فایل صوتی لول متوسط درباره ی گیر کردن در آسانسور

آموزش مهارت شنیداری متوسطه به زبان انگلیسی با موضوع گیر کردن در آسانسور و خراب شدن تعطیلات
1627 1

Listening about "trapping in an elevator"



Newsreader: and now for our top news story. Last Friday Steve Olson, a businessman from Seattle, was looking forward to a relaxing two days in the mountains. He and his wife had arranged a skiing weekend in a luxury hotel. But the weekend didn’t work out exactly as they had planned.
Steven worked until late on Friday evening.
His office was on the 12th floor. When he finished, at 8 o’clock, he locked his office and got into the elevator… and he didn’t get out again until Monday morning.
Steven: I pressed the button for the first floor,
and the elevator started going down but then stopped. I pressed the button again, but nothing happened. I pressed the alarm and shouted, but nobody heard me. Most people had already gone home. I tried to call my wife, but my cell phone didn’t work in the elevator… I couldn’t do anything. I just sat on the floor and hoped maybe somebody would realize what had happened. But on Saturday and Sunday, I know nobody would be here. I slept most of the time to forget how hungry I was.
Newsreader: Meanwhile Steven’s wife, Kate
, was waiting for her husband to come home.
Kate: I was very worried when he didn’t come home on Friday evening,
and I couldn’t understand why his cell phone wasn’t working. I called the police, and they looked for him but couldn’t find him anywhere. I thought maybe he was with another woman. 
Newsreader: so Steven was in the elevator the whole weekend
from Friday evening until Monday morning. At 8 o’clock, when the office worker arrived, they called the emergency number, and somebody came and repaired the elevator.
Steven: I was very happy to get out.
I hadn’t eaten since Friday afternoon, and I was extremely hungry. It’s lucky that I’m not claustrophobic because the elevator was very small. The first thing I did was to call my wife to say that I was OK.
Newsreader: Steven will soon be the fittest man in his office
-from now on he’s going to take the stairs every day- even though it’s 12 floors.


برای دسترسی به دروس بیشتر به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید.

گرامر صفر تا صد زبان انگلیسی

لسنینگ از مبتدی تا پیشرفته

لغات زبان انگلیسی به تفکیک موضوع

درک مطلب از سطح مبتدی تا پیشرفته

تمامی موضوعات آیلتس اسپیکینگ پارت یک، دو و سه همراه با جواب


was looking forward to
منتظر بودن
had arranged
برنامه ریزی کرده بودند
pressed the button
فشار دادن دکمه
در این هنگام
ترس از فضای بسته
the fittest man
خوش اندام ترین مرد
Question No. 1/3

Order the following event based on the listening.

His wife had negative thoughts.
His wife called several times
Monday morning is he got happy
He worked late at night
He uses stairs to go to his office.
He asked for help
He get stuck in a small place
Question No. 2/3

فایل صوتی بالا را دوباره گوش دهید و خلاصه ی کوتاهی از آن را در 45 ثانیه بازگو کنید.(برای گفتن خلاصه ی فایل صوتی لازم نیست تمام جزئیات را بگویید، فقط کافیست کلیت داستان را بازگو کنید.)

جهت ضبط صدا روی دکمه بالا کلیک نمایید

Your answer:

Question No. 3/3

لغات فایل صوتی را حفظ کنید و سعی کنید با استفاده از این لغات و کلمات دروس گذشته یک داستان کوتاه در حد 60 کلمه بنویسد. (موضوع داستان را خودتان انتخاب کنید.)

word count: 60

آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

اینجا کلیک کنید

ماژیک فسفری

با استفاده از ماژیک فسفری می توانید کلمات و بخش های مهم را برای خود علامت گذاری نمایید و هنگام پاسخ به آزمون از آنها استفاده کنید. برای از بین بردن بخش های رنگی دوباره روی آن کلیک نمایید.

دفترچه یادداشت

هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.