آموزش مهارت شنیداری متوسطه به زبان انگلیسی با موضوع داوری فوتبال
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Listening about "soccer referee"
Interviewer: what was the most exciting game you refereed? Juan Antonio: It’s difficult to choose one game as the most exciting. I remember some of the Real Madrid-Barcelona games, for example, the first one I ever refereed. The atmosphere in the stadium was great. But really it’s impossible to pick just one- there have been so many. Interviewer: who was the best player you ever saw? Juan Antonio: During my career, l’ve met many great players. It’s very difficult to say who was the best, but there’s one player who stands out for me, not just for being a great soccer player but also for being a great human being, and that was the Brazilian international player Mauro Silva, who used to play here in Spain. Interviewer: what was the worst experience you ever had as a refereed? Juan Antonio: the worst? Well, that was something that happened very early in my career. I was only 16 and I was refereeing a game and the home team lost. After the game, I was attacked and injured by the players of the home team and by the spectators. After all these years I can’t still remember a mother who had a little baby in her arms and was trying to hit me. She was so angry with me that she nearly dropped her baby. That was my worst moment, and I nearly made me stop being a referee. Interviewer: Do you think that there’s more cheating in soccer than in the past? Juan Antonio: Yes, I think so. Interviewer: why? Juan Antonio: I think it’s because there’s so much money in soccer today that it has become much more important to win. Also, the game is much faster than it used to be so it’s more difficult for referees to detect cheating. Interviewer: How do soccer players cheat? Juan Antonio: Oh, there are many ways, but for me the worst is what we call “simulation” players pretend there has been a foul when there has been no foul at all. For example, sometimes a player falls down and say someone pushes him or hit him when, in fact, nobody has touched him. In my opinion, when a player does this, he’s cheating not only the referee and the players of the other team, but also the spectators. The spectators pay money to see a fair contest, not to watch people cheat. Interviewer: What’s the most difficult thing about being a referee? Juan Antonio: Ah, the most difficult thing is to make the right decisions during a game. It’s difficult because you have to make decisions when everything’s happening so quickly- soccer today is very fast. Also important decisions often depend on the referee’s interpretation of the rules. Things aren’t black and white. And of course making decision would be much easier if players didn’t cheat. Interviewer: So, in your opinion fair play doesn’t exist anymore? Juan Antonio: No, I didn’t mean that. I think fair play does exist- the players who cheat are still the exceptions.
برای دسترسی به دروس بیشتر به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید.
He chose Mauro Silva only because he was a great soccer player.
Question No. 2/9
A man with a baby tried to hit him.
Question No. 3/9
He stopped being a referee when the spectators attacked him.
Question No. 4/9
Players cheat in the games because it is more money for the winner.
Question No. 5/9
Spectators love to see players cheat.
Question No. 6/9
Decision making needs the ability to interpret.
Question No. 7/9
There is at least one cheater in every game.
Question No. 8/9
فایل صوتی بالا را دوباره گوش دهید و خلاصه ی کوتاهی از آن را در 45 ثانیه بازگو کنید.(برای گفتن خلاصه ی فایل صوتی لازم نیست تمام جزئیات را بگویید، فقط کافیست کلیت داستان را بازگو کنید.)
جهت ضبط صدا روی دکمه بالا کلیک نمایید
Your answer:
Question No. 9/9
لغات فایل صوتی را حفظ کنید و سعی کنید با استفاده از این لغات و کلمات دروس گذشته یک داستان کوتاه در حد 60 کلمه بنویسد. (موضوع داستان را خودتان انتخاب کنید.)
با استفاده از ماژیک فسفری می توانید کلمات و بخش های مهم را برای خود علامت گذاری نمایید و هنگام پاسخ به آزمون از آنها استفاده کنید. برای از بین بردن بخش های رنگی دوباره روی آن کلیک نمایید.
دفترچه یادداشت
هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.