Listening about small talks

فایل صوتی درباره ی صحبت های محاوره
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برای دسترسی به دروس بیشتر به لینک های زیر مراجعه کنید.

گرامر صفر تا صد زبان انگلیسی

لسنینگ از مبتدی تا پیشرفته

لغات زبان انگلیسی به تفکیک موضوع

درک مطلب از سطح مبتدی تا پیشرفته

تمامی موضوعات آیلتس اسپیکینگ پارت یک، دو و سه همراه با جواب


Small Talk



.اگر نیاز به مطالعه ی بیشتر دارید به قسمت های زیر مراجعه کنید


(گرامر درباره ی حال کامل (منفی کردن و سوالی کردن 

گرامر درباره ی گذشته ی کامل صورت منفی و سوالی گذشته ی کامل

گرامر درباره ی گذشته ی استمراری، سوالی کردن و منفی کردن


کلمات مربوط به پرسیدن سوالات شخصی

کلمات مربوط به اوقات فراقت

کلمات مربوط به مکالمه تلفنی


Getting Ready


Do people use these expressions to greet someone or to end a conversation? Check the correct answer.

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کدام یک از عبارات زیر احوال پرسی و خوشامدگویی است و کدام یک نشانه ی پایان مکالمه می باشد؟

Write 1 if it was Greeting someone, Write 2 if it was end of a conversation.

1. Keep in touch.

2. How have you been?

3. Well, it's been nice talking to you.

4. How's everything?

5. Hope to see you again soon.

6. Well, talk to you later.

7. Hello. Nice to see you again.

8. Hey, how's it going?

9. I haven't seen you for a long time.

10. It's been great seeing you again.

listening 1

Is each person greeting someone or ending a conversation? Listen and check the correct answer.

Oh, hello, Michael.
I haven't seen you in ages. How is everything with you these days?
It's been great seeing you again.
Gee, look at the time. I've got to run. Talk to you later.
How are you, anyway?
It's so nice to see you. What have you been doing lately?
It's been really nice talking to you.
Let's get together again soon, okay?
Oh, hi. I've been thinking about you.
I haven't seen you in such a long time. How's everything?
Where have you been?
It's been ages. How's it going with you?
I hope to see you again soon. Let's have lunch sometime, okay?
How have you been?
And how's your family? It's so nice to see you again.

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افراد در حال صحبت کردن هستند. به فایل گوش دهید. آیا درحال پایان دادن به مکالمه هستند یا می خواهند مکالمه را شروع کنند.

Write 1 if it was Greeting someone , Write 2 if it was end of a conversation .





Listening 2

Task 1

Screenshot (203)

What are the party guests talking about? Listen and circle the correct answer.

A: Hey, how's it going?
Are you enjoying the party?
B: Yes, I am. The people here are really nice.

A: Really. Everyone is so friendly.

A: Hi, Tim. How's everything?

B: Everything's fine, thanks.

A: Hey, hear that?
at's Taylor Swift. Isn't she great?
B: Yes, she's really good.

A: Who's that over there?
Have you met her?
B: No, I haven't met her before.
But I think I will now. Nice talking to you.
A: So, how are you, anyway

B: Okay. Not too bad.

A: How's everything at work?

B: Fine, but I'm very busy.
I have to work late nearly every night.
A: I think I'll get something to eat.
The food looks good. Can I get you something?
B: No, I'm not hungry right now, thanks.

A: Okay, talk to you later.

A: Hey, hi. I've been thinking about you.
I haven't seen you in ages. Did you have a good trip?
B: Yeah, it was great.
I took a train across Canada. Then I drove to Disneyland.
A: Wow! That's great.

A: Hey, great to see you.
How have you been?
B: Fine, thanks.

A: How are your parents?

B: Oh, Mom and Dad are fine, thanks.
Mom just started a new job.
A: Oh, really?

A: Hi. How have you been?

B: Oh, fine, thanks.

A: Do you know everyone here?

B: Yeah, almost everyone.


a. the guests (correct)

b. the music

c. friends

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Task 2
Listen again. Which statement is true? Circle the correct answer.

A: Hey, how's it going?
Are you enjoying the party?
B: Yes, I am. The people here are really nice.

A: Really. Everyone is so friendly.

A: Hi, Tim. How's everything?

B: Everything's fine, thanks.

A: Hey, hear that?
at's Taylor Swift. Isn't she great?
B: Yes, she's really good.

A: Who's that over there?
Have you met her?
B: No, I haven't met her before.
But I think I will now. Nice talking to you.
A: So, how are you, anyway

B: Okay. Not too bad.

A: How's everything at work?

B: Fine, but I'm very busy.
I have to work late nearly every night.
A: I think I'll get something to eat.
The food looks good. Can I get you something?
B: No, I'm not hungry right now, thanks.

A: Okay, talk to you later.

A: Hey, hi. I've been thinking about you.
I haven't seen you in ages. Did you have a good trip?
B: Yeah, it was great.
I took a train across Canada. Then I drove to Disneyland.
A: Wow! That's great.

A: Hey, great to see you.
How have you been?
B: Fine, thanks.

A: How are your parents?

B: Oh, Mom and Dad are fine, thanks.
Mom just started a new job.
A: Oh, really?

A: Hi. How have you been?

B: Oh, fine, thanks.

A: Do you know everyone here?

B: Yeah, almost everyone.


a. The woman is having a good time.(correct)

b. The woman is not enjoying herself.

c. The guests are unfriendly.

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Listening 3

Task 1

Screenshot (204)

Two people are talking. Does the second speaker already know the information, or is the information new? Listen and check the correct answer.

A: Hey, I was just talking to Molly.
Did you know she's leaving the company?
B: Really? You're kidding!

A: Yeah, she's decided to change jobs.
She wants to become an airline pilot.
B: An airline pilot?
Wow. That's a surprise.
A: I'm really excited about the rock concert next week.
I'm glad I got my tickets early, because I heard that all the tickets had been sold.
B: I heard that, too.
I'm looking forward to the concert. It should be great!
A: I got a really cool present for my birthday.

B: Oh yeah? What is it?

A: My parents gave me a bird-a yellow canary.
She's so cute. I've always wanted a bird. I love when they sing.
B: That's awesome.
So what are you going to call her?
A: Polly.

A: Oh, hey, Claire just texted me.
She says she's sick. That's why she's not here tonight.
B: Yeah. I spoke to her dad this morning,
and he said she has a really bad case of the flu. She's had it for about a week.
A: Sometimes it takes a long time to get over the flu.
Claire has been sick a couple of times this year.
B: I know. It's too bad.

A: That guy over there just moved here from Canada.
I was talking to him a while ago. He's really interesting. He's an actor and he's already appeared in a couple of movies.
B: Yeah, so he was telling me.
He mentioned the names of his movies, but I haven't seen any of them.
A: Maybe one day he'll be a big star.

A: There's a really interesting exhibition at the museum this month.
It's all about Walt Disney and the story of how he started making cartoons.
B: Is that right?
I haven't been to the museum for a long time.
A: You should go and take a look at it.
I'm sure you'll find it really interesting.
B: I think I will. Thanks for letting me know.

Question No. /

به فایل صوتی گوش کنید. آیا اطلاعاتی که گفته می شود برای شنونده جدید است یا قبلا این اطلاعات را شنیده اند؟

Write 1 or 2 .

1= Already knows the Information.

2= New Information.




Task 2
Listen again. Which statement is true? Circle the correct answer.

A: Hey, I was just talking to Molly.
Did you know she's leaving the company?
B: Really? You're kidding!

A: Yeah, she's decided to change jobs.
She wants to become an airline pilot.
B: An airline pilot?
Wow. That's a surprise.
A: I'm really excited about the rock concert next week.
I'm glad I got my tickets early, because I heard that all the tickets had been sold.
B: I heard that, too.
I'm looking forward to the concert. It should be great!
A: I got a really cool present for my birthday.

B: Oh yeah? What is it?

A: My parents gave me a bird-a yellow canary.
She's so cute. I've always wanted a bird. I love when they sing.
B: That's awesome.
So what are you going to call her?
A: Polly.

A: Oh, hey, Claire just texted me.
She says she's sick. That's why she's not here tonight.
B: Yeah. I spoke to her dad this morning,
and he said she has a really bad case of the flu. She's had it for about a week.
A: Sometimes it takes a long time to get over the flu.
Claire has been sick a couple of times this year.
B: I know. It's too bad.

A: That guy over there just moved here from Canada.
I was talking to him a while ago. He's really interesting. He's an actor and he's already appeared in a couple of movies.
B: Yeah, so he was telling me.
He mentioned the names of his movies, but I haven't seen any of them.
A: Maybe one day he'll be a big star.

A: There's a really interesting exhibition at the museum this month.
It's all about Walt Disney and the story of how he started making cartoons.
B: Is that right?
I haven't been to the museum for a long time.
A: You should go and take a look at it.
I'm sure you'll find it really interesting.
B: I think I will. Thanks for letting me know.


a. Molly has a new job.

b. Molly is going to change jobs. (correct)

c. Molly has just received a big raise.

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in ages
مدت طولانی
We had a friendly match with them.
.ما یک بازی دوستانه با آنها داشتیم
Can I get you something
می تونم برات چیزی بیارم؟
You're kidding
شوخی می کنی
The Pilot is responsible for the safety of the passengers.
خلبان مسئول سلامت جان مسافران است.
That's a surprise
جای تعجب است
ظاهر شدن/ به نظر رسیدن
couple of
Sorry I won't mention it again.
اشاره کردن
متاسفم، من دیگر به آن اشاره نخواهم کرد.
take a look at
به آن نگاه کن

آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

اینجا کلیک کنید

ماژیک فسفری

با استفاده از ماژیک فسفری می توانید کلمات و بخش های مهم را برای خود علامت گذاری نمایید و هنگام پاسخ به آزمون از آنها استفاده کنید. برای از بین بردن بخش های رنگی دوباره روی آن کلیک نمایید.

دفترچه یادداشت

هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.