B2 listening about eye disease

فایل صوتی سطح پیشرفته درباره ی بیماری چشمی
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You will hear part of a radio interview with Grace, a singer who suffers from an eye disease. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences.

A: Grace, how long have you had problems with your eyes?
G: Well, I was actually born completely blind and my sight didn't develop until I was about a year old.
Ever since that age I've only ever been able to see out of one eye. I kind of got used to that, and I thought it was quite normal, then one day when I was about eight, I was having a bit of a laugh with my mum. Just for a joke she covered up my left eye, the good one, and said, 'How many fingers?' and I said, 'I don't know.' 'What do you mean you don't know? she said.She thought I was playing around, but when she realized I wasn't she took me straight down to the doctor. That's when I found out I have an incurable eye disease, which may or may not get worse, but definitely won't get any better.
A: And has it got worse?

G: Not really, no. It's been more or less the same ever since.

Though I was having a check-up when I was a bit older and they discovered I had tunnel vision as well.

A: What exactly is that?

G: It means I only have central view.
I don't have any lateral view, so I'm unable to see anything which isn't directly in front of me. Not like most people who can see slightly to the side when they look ahead. It sounds a bit weird, but to me it's normal.
A: So, did you have to go to a special school when you were younger?

G: I was determined to go to a normal school because I was convinced that if I did it would leach me to cope better.
I kind of suspected, and my parents warned me, that it wouldn't be easy. You know how cruel kids of 11 and 12 can be to each other. And sure, enough they called me names and bullied me and I must have cried every day for a year. And I did get to the point when I wanted to leave, but my dad told me to can-yon and see it through.He said it'd get belier and it did. A lot of those who'd called me names became good friends.
A: You eventually left school at 16, didn't you?

G: That's right. I guess I got to the point where I felt like I knew that all I wanted to do was sing and play the guitar.
My dad said I was too young and tried to put me off the idea. But then when he saw how determined I was, he told me I'd need to get a job if I wanted to save up enough money to record a demo. So I did get a job and very quickly managed to get enough money together to do the demo.
A: And that led to your first record deal.

G: And everything else that went with it - the contacts, the song writing, the touring.
I love it all, especially going on tour, though you wouldn't believe the stresses and strains involved. Most people think it's a breeze, like dead easy and no worries. But the way I see it, you have a kind of responsibility when you're up there on stage. Being an entertainer is all about being larger than life and making people feel good.
A: So, you've come a long way from your school days when the other kids made you cry!

G: Right. But in a way going through that experience at school helped me get over my shyness.
So, I don't worry any more what people think about my eyes. I'm far too busy worrying about what they think of my music!
A: Well, your first single was a number one hit in America,
so you certainly don't seem to have anything to worry about there...

Question No. /

1 Grace has been partially sighted since she was about

2 She is only able to see out of her eye.

3 She says that her eyesight will not get

4 During a check-up, Grace was found to have vision.

5 When she was younger, Grace wanted to go to a school.

6 At school she was and bullied by other children.

7 She says that many of these children

8 After she left school, Grace's father persuaded her to

9 She enjoys her career, particularly

10 She says her experiences at school helped her overcome


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ماژیک فسفری

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