How to talk about past habitual behavior and present ones

چگونه درباره ی عادات گذشته و حال صحبت کنیم، جایگاه قیدهای زمان و شکل یوزد تو
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Habitual behaviour in the present

The present simple is used for habitual actions or permanent situations in the present.

I go for a run twice a week.

She lives near the station.

Frequency adverbs are used

Frequency adverbs are used to indicate how often an action occurs. They are usually placed:

- before the main verb.

I always go to bed before midnight.

- after the verb to be or an auxiliary verb.

She is very often late for work.

They have rarely been seen together:

Adverbs of frequency that can be used at the begining of sentnce

Usually, normally, frequently, sometimes, (very/quite) often, and occasionally can also be placed at the beginning of the sentence or clause.

Occasionally we go out to the cinema, but we usually stay in and watch a video.


Which advebs of frequency cannot be used at the beginning of sentence

always, rarely, seldom, hardly ever; and never cannot be used in the same way.

C   Variations

present continuous+ always

1   The present continuous+ always is used to talk about things which occur frequently and which the speaker finds annoying.

He's always complaining about something!

2   Adjectives can be used as an alternative to rarely, normally and (not) usually,

It's rare/normal/unusual for him to eat meat.

Tend to + infinitive

3   Tend to + infinitive is used to make general statements about the habitual actions and situations of groups of people or individuals.

British people tend to drink tea rather than coffee. I tend not to get up very early on Sundays.

Will + infinitive is used to talk about habitual behaviour

4   Will + infinitive is used to talk about habitual behaviour, Frequency adverbs can also be added.

She'll sometimes spend the whole day reading.

Keep (0n) + gerund

5   Keep (0n) + gerund is used to talk about repeated actions, often annoying ones.

Peter keeps on hitting me.


Habitual behaviour in the past

A   The past simple is used for regular actions or habitual behaviour in the past, often with a frequency adverb.

I hardly ever· went away on holiday when I was young.

Used to + infinitive

B   Used to + infinitive is used to refer to past habits and situations which no longer occur or exist now.

We used to have a cat, but he died last year.

I always used to walk to work until I bought a car.

Note the negative and question forms:

I didn't use to like cheese.

Where did you use to live?


use to cannot express present habitual behaviour; I usually (not use to) play tennis twice a week.

Would+ Infinitive

C   Would+ Infinitive is used to refer to past habits, but not past situations.

Habit:My dad would often read to me when I was a young boy.

Situation:I used to (not would) have a bicycle.

Stative verbs such as have (possession), be, live, like, believe, think (= have an opinion), understand and know are not used with would to refer to the past.

Be used to/Get used to + noun or gerund

Be used to/Get used to + noun or gerund Be used to + noun/gerund means 'be accustomed to'

She's a nurse so she's used to seeing sick people.

Get used to + noun/gerund means 'become accustomed to'.

I want to leave Athens; I can't get used to the heat.


برای دسترسی به دروس بیشتر به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید.

گرامر صفر تا صد زبان انگلیسی

لسنینگ از مبتدی تا پیشرفته

لغات زبان انگلیسی به تفکیک موضوع

درک مطلب از سطح مبتدی تا پیشرفته

تمامی موضوعات آیلتس اسپیکینگ پارت یک، دو و سه همراه با جواب


Question No. 1/8

(You can also choose two options.)

In the 1950s, women ........ dishes in the kitchen sink.

Question No. 2/8

A wife ........ the dishes by hand.

Question No. 3/8

I remember that my mother ........ a special towel just for dishes and not for hands.

Question No. 4/8

She ........ angry if we dried our hands with it.

Question No. 5/8

She would use a separate towel for dishes, ........ .

Question No. 6/8

Last year, she ........ a dishwasher for the first time and will never go back to hand-washing the dishes!

Question No. 7/8

Are these sentences correct or incorrect? Write correct or incorrect for each sentence.

When we were young, we use to love watching cartoons on Saturday mornings.

We would watched "The Road Runner", "Scooby-Doo", and Disney cartoons.

Then, as we grew older we would like "The Simpsons" every afternoon.

We used to imitate the voices of Bart and Homer Simpson all the time.

Our mom would getting angry atus for acting stupid.

Later, we became Anime fans. We were used to trading copies of different films.

Sometimes, we would had Anime parties and dress up as our favorite characters.

Now, we have kids of our own, and they ask us, " Did you used to watch this when you were young?"

Question No. 8/8

Complete the gaps with correct order of the words in the parentheses

1(difficulty has often)

She ........ understanding him.

Correct answer: often has difficulty

2( usually have to pay )
You in advance.

3 ( always is polite )
She on the phone.

4 ( rarely very was at )
She work last year.

5 ( always been has it expensive )
Unfortunately, to fly to Australia.

6 ( never can when him you find need )
You him.

7 ( have had problems never )
We with him.

8 ( to been you ever Have )

9 ( to other occasionally travel )
We countries.

10 ( often to you do have )
How renew a passport?

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برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.