Intermediate listening about Sports Complex

آموزش مهارت شنیداری متوسط به زبان انگلیسی با موضوع مکان های ورزشی
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Listening about facilities in the gym




come in. I’m Maya. Hello everybody. Welcome to the Grange Park Sports Centre. I’ll just show you round the centre and explain what we offer here, and then you can ask me questions. Well, as you can see, this is quite a small centre but we offer a lot of different activities at different times of the day. If you’d just like to come through here, you can see the main rooms. These are nice and light and airy and we have a very good air-conditioning system so they are warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Here we have classes of yoga, tai chi, Pilates and Zumba at different levels. We also have different types of dance class: jazz dancing, Indian dancing and Latin dancing. Oh, and we’ve just started offering flamenco. All our teachers are fully qualified and experienced. We have beginners’ classes up to advanced. Some of our students have been coming since we opened, ten years ago.
if you could follow me through here - mind the steps here - we’ve got the sauna and massage rooms. We have very reasonable prices for massages. And over here we have the gym with exercise machines. It’s quite a small gym, but usually there’s plenty of room for people to move around without any problems. OK, that’s about it. Over there we have the changing rooms with showers. You do need to bring your own towel if you want a shower, but you don’t need to bring a mat for the yoga and Pilates classes. Oh, and I must mention the café. It’s just off the main entrance. That’s very popular with our clients; we have a great selection of teas, fresh juices, sandwiches and cakes.
the prices. You can join for three months, six months or a year and that gives you the right to use the gym and go to two classes a week. If you want to go to more classes or use the sauna, there’s a small extra charge. For three months the fee is …

OK, let me show you the gym
. My name’s Bill and I’m the main sports trainer here, but we have a team of four specialists who are always around to help you with exercise programmes and give advice about lifestyle and diet. We strongly recommend that you talk to one of us as soon as you sign up and set up your personalised training programme. So, through here we have the main gym. As you can see, it’s enormous and we have lots of brand-new machines. You can do everything here, running, cycling, rowing, weights … you name it. Although we have a lot of clients, it’s very unusual to have to wait for a machine. Over there is the area for weight-training. If you want a closer look at the machines, you can come back later. Oh, by the way, you can only come in here with trainers on. No outdoor shoes, please.
OK, through here we have the swimming pool.
It’s great, isn’t it? We’re very proud of it. You can use it most of the time without booking, but there are certain times of day when we have swimming classes and water aerobics. There is always a lifeguard in attendance who will also offer informal swimming tips. OK, just over there you have the changing rooms and lockers, and on the right are the bathrooms and showers. We have our own shop, here, where you can buy our own brand of sportswear and sports drinks and supplements. Right, I can see you’re impressed, and as I said, we’re very proud of our centre. However, I should warn you that we are slightly more expensive than other gyms in the area – but then we offer a much higher level of services and a very wide range of activities. Here’s a brochure with the timetables of the extra classes that we offer, such as boxing, taekwondo and capoeira and quite a few others, besides swimming activities: swimming classes, diving classes, water aerobics and water polo. OK, so have a look at the brochure, then you can speak to one of the secretaries in reception about the best combination of activities for you.


برای دسترسی به دروس بیشتر به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید.

گرامر صفر تا صد زبان انگلیسی

لسنینگ از مبتدی تا پیشرفته

لغات زبان انگلیسی به تفکیک موضوع

درک مطلب از سطح مبتدی تا پیشرفته

تمامی موضوعات آیلتس اسپیکینگ پارت یک، دو و سه همراه با جواب


tai chi
نوعی ورزش رزمی
نوعی ورزش هوازی
fully qualified and experienced
کاملا با تجربه و شایسته
mind the steps
حواستون به پله ها باشه
reasonable prices
قیمت های مناسب
تشک برای باشگاه
off the main entrance
بیرون در ورودی
extra charge
هزینه اضافه می شود
شهریه ی کلاس
you name it
هرچی دلتون بخواد
in attendance
حضور داشتن
Question No. 1/8

a good air.conditioning system?

Question No. 2/8

dance classes?

Question No. 3/8

a shop?

Question No. 4/8

a café?

Question No. 5/8

a bigger gym with more machines?

Question No. 6/8

a swimming pool?

Question No. 7/8

a sauna?

Question No. 8/8

martial arts classes?

آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

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