B2 listening about different conversations

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You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8 choose the best answer, a,b or c.

I used to think he was so good looking - those sparkling blue eyes and that smile although now of course the wrinkles have taken over and he's lost it completely. Call me old-fashioned, but I really don't think that somebody of his age should be wearing tight trousers and flowery shirts. It's obscene. And the way he talks to the press! I mean, 'politeness' is just not a word he understands. I'm not surprised they get upset and give him bad reviews.

Question No. /

1 Listen to this woman talking about an actor, what is her opinion of him?

M: So, have you decided which film we're going to see, then?
W: Well, I really wanted to see the new Fiona Miller film which everyone is raving about.

M: Oh, please, no! I couldn't stand another costume drama.

W: No, this one's very different from her others.
She plays the part of an out-of work spy who decides to turn to crime and begin a life as a jewel thief. But anyway, Katie says it's not her cup of tea, so I'm afraid it's 'get your handkerchief ready for another tear-jerker. You know the plot already: boy meets girl, girl meets another boy, first boy gets upset - all that kind of nonsense.

Question No. /

2 You overhear this conversation between two friends. What type of film are they going to see?

SO: I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to pay an extra £3. Why?
C: Well, you're only supposed to have the video out for two days: it says on the box 48 hours only.

So: Right, and I took it out on Saturday.

And today's Tuesday, so that's one day overdue.
Hence the extra £3.
C: But you're not open on Sundays, so that day doesn't count.
Saturday to Monday, one day, and Monday to Tuesday, two days.
SO: I'm very sorry, sir, but that's not how we work.

Question No. /

3 You hear a conversation in a video hire shop. How long has the customer had the video for?

Drained, darling, absolutely drained. And have you read what the critics wrote about it? I don't know how anyone could say it was 'disappointing'. I mean, OK, so it's not the most exciting part I've ever had to play but I gave it my all, absolutely everything. One look at my face will tell you just how utterly exhausted I am. I could sleep for a week.

Question No. /

4 You hear an actress talking about her performance in a play. How does she feel?

What do you think we should get him? ... An atlas! That's not very much ... I know he's interested in geography, but he's been with the company for nearly 25 years. I really don't think an atlas would express our appreciation for all he's done for the firm. He's been like a father to us all ... I don't know, something that will remind him of us in his retirement, something he can use every day. How about a palm top or something?

Question No. /

5 You overhear this man talking on the telephone. Who is he talking to?

M: What was it like?
W: Oh, don't ask.
I certainly wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
M: Too violent for you, was it?

W: Quite the opposite.
I mean, at first there was the usual dose of gratuitous violence - basically what you'd expect from that type of film, and partly why I went to see it.After that, though, not a great deal happened. From what I can remember when I wasn't falling asleep, that is - the script seemed to focus on an analysis of the protagonist's inner self.
M: A kind of 'non-action film', then.

W: Exactly.

Question No. /

6 You hear a young woman talking to her friend about a film. Why didn't she like it?

Hello, yes, it's about a book I bought in your shop last week. A Katharine Adams novel. I just wanted to point out that there were one or two pages missing ... No, no, there's really no need to apologize. I mean it's not as if it was the last page or anything. And I got the gist of what was happening 'without the pages. I just thought you ought to know so you can check the rest of your stock, or talk to the publishers or something ... That's OK ... Yes, pages 60 to 64 ...

Question No. /

7 You hear a woman telephoning a bookshop. What is she doing?

Well, we were born in the same month, but I'm a Leo, as you know, whereas her birthdays at the beginning of July, which makes her a Cancer. I don't know if that's good or bad. We certainly seem to laugh at the same things; the same jokes, the same comedy programs ... Sorry? ... Oh, next Friday. We're going to a jazz concert, although I can't say it's my favorite type of music. She's really into it, and she wanted me to go, so...

Question No. /

8 You hear this young man talking on the phone. What does he have in common with his girlfriend?


برای دسترسی به دروس بیشتر به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید.

گرامر صفر تا صد زبان انگلیسی

لسنینگ از مبتدی تا پیشرفته

لغات زبان انگلیسی به تفکیک موضوع

درک مطلب از سطح مبتدی تا پیشرفته

تمامی موضوعات آیلتس اسپیکینگ پارت یک، دو و سه همراه با جواب


آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

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ماژیک فسفری

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دفترچه یادداشت

هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.