Reading and Use of English 1
Part 7
Multiple matching
1 Which of the following occur in your country?
droughts floods earthquakes tornadoes avalanches hurricnes volcanic eruptions
Have you experienced any of these? What was it like?
What are the worst weather conditions you have had to endure?
2 The film posters on this page and on page 143 all show natural disaster films.
Have you seen any of these films?
If so, did you enjoy it/them? Why/Why not?
If not, do you think you would enjoy any of them? Why/Why not?
3 You are going to read an article about natural disaster films. For questions 1-10, choose from the films (A-E). The films may be chosen more than once.
Don't forget!
Before doing the matching task, underline key words in the statements 1-10.
I found the film just as absorbing as the book on which it is based.
The level of the acting was the main reason I enjoyed this film.
The plot is predictable.
The ending of the film may come as a surprise.
I had read good reviews of the film before I saw it.
I initially thought that no special effects had been used in the film.
I enjoy seeing this film in certain weather conditions.
The structure of the film differs from that of many other disaster movies.
The film should not be taken too seriously.
There are several scenes which are both memorable and rather unpleasant.
What a disaster!
James Borja reviews flve natural disaster movies from his DVD collection
A Dante's Peak ( 1997)
I read the novel. which is based on the script. before watching the film itself. But it was the positive opinions I'd seen online. rather than the book, that persuaded me to buy the DVD. And I was not disappointed. The plot of Dante's Peak, starring Pierce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton. is built around a spectacular volcanic eruption, which brings disaster to a small town in the Cascade Mountains in North America. But what impressed me most about this film was the quality of the lead performances, rather than the volcano and all the visual effects. For once, I really cared about the fate of the main characters. I even wanted their dog to survive!
B twlster ( 1996)
Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton star as meteorologists who put their lives at risk by chasing tornadoes, or 'twisters'. in order to try out a new piece of technology. If you watch this film hoping for a complex storyline, you'll be disappointed. It's obvious from the start who will fall victim to a twister, and there are no surprises in the central love story, either. What makes this movie are the special effects. The tornadoes are frighteningly realistic and, unlike in numerous other films of this genre which slowly build up to a dramatic climax, they appear from the very beginning. Watch out for the flying cow and airborne petrol tanker: if they'd made this film in 3D, cinema audiences would have run for the exit at the sight of them.
C The Perfect Storm (2000)
I couldn't put the novel down when I was reading it, and the film adaptation gripped me in the same way. First there's the gradual buildup as the film explores the relationships of the crew being put together by Captain Billy Tyne (George Clooney) for one final fishing trip in the season. Then comes the suspense as three storm fronts. including a hurricane, move together while the boat is at sea, eventually colliding to create a 'perfect storm'. The special effects are so well done, my first impression was that I was watching a real storm. And if I hadn't seen the special features on the DVD afterwards. I'd probably still think they hadn't employed any visual tricks.
D Earthquake ( 1974)
If you can put up with the fact that the Sensurround effect. which made cinema seats shake in the seventies, cannot be recreated on the DVD in your lounge, then this all-star classic still has plenty to offer. Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) was yet to be developed. but the special effects are still impressive. creating a number of unforgettable. if slightly disagreeable moments. Deaths are frequent and this is not a cosy family film to put your feet up with on a Sunday afternoon. And the final scene might not be what you're expecting. It certainly didn't turn out the way I thought it would.
E The Day after Tomorrow (2004)
If you combined all the extreme weather scenes of every natural disaster movie ever made, you would end up with something like this film. It has everything: hurricanes. tornadoes, floods, tidal waves, blizzards and even giant hailstones, all caused by global warming. Pure fantasy, of course, but it's all good fun. and as long as you see it as that and don't look for any deeper message, you should enjoy the film. I always find it works better for me if I watch it during a storm or when it's snowing outside. It adds a touch of realism to the experience!
Reacting to the text
Which of the films above sound the most and least appealing? Why?
How much attention do you pay to reviews when deciding which film to see? Why?
Is it better to read a book before or after watching the film adaptation? Why?
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دفترچه یادداشت
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