fce grammar about conditionals

فریزال ورب و کالوکیشن با فعل put
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Language focus 2: Conditionals

1 In relation to which of the films in the reading on pages 142 and 143 are each of the following statements made?

Zero conditional

It works better for me if I watch it during a storm.

First conditional

If you watch this film hoping for a complex storyline, you'll be disappointed.

Second conditional

If you combined all the extreme weather scenes of every natural disaster movie ever made, you would end up with something like this film.

Third conditional

If they'd made this film in 3D, cinema audiences would have run for the exit at the sight of them.

Mixed conditional

If I hadn't seen the special features on the DVD afterwards, I'd probably still think they hadn't employed any visual tricks.

2 Identify the verb forms in bold in the sentences in 1.

3 Conditional sentences consist of two clauses; a main clause and a clause introduced by if (or certain other words). Events in the main clause depend on, or are conditional on, events in the if clause. Underline the correct alternatives in the following explanations for the sentences in exercise 1.

Zero conditional: a situation in which one event always occurs as the result of another. If in this sentence means whenever/although.

First conditional: a possible/an impossible situation in the future and its likely result.

Second conditional: a present or past/future situation which the speaker considers to be unlikely or impossible.

Third conditional: an imaginary situation in the past. with speculation about its effect on present/past events.

Mixed conditional: an imaginary situation in the past, with speculation about its effect on present/past events.

4 Modal verbs can be used instead of will and would in conditional sentences. Explain the difference in meaning between these three sentences.

a If we leave now, we'll be home by six o'clock.

b If we leave now, we should be home by six o'clock.

c If we leave now, we might be home by six o'clock.

5 A number of conjunctions can be used instead of if in conditional sentences. Complete each gap with one word from the box. You do not need to use all the words.

      unless     unlike         promising      providing     far          exclusion    condition       long

Question No. /

a As as you don't look for any deeper message, you should enjoy the film.

b I'll let you borrow it, you're careful with it.

c Her employer will pay for her studies on that she attends every class.

d We'll have a barbecue in the garden, of course it rains. I hate wet sausages!

Read more about conditionals on page 218 of the Grammar reference.

Each of the following sentences contains a mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them.

1 If you'd have asked me, I would have lent you the money.

2 I'll give you a ring if I'll find out what time he's arriving.

3 What would you have done if she wouldn't have phoned?

4 If I would drink coffee after six o'clock, I can never sleep.

5 If they lose this match, I never go to see them play again.

7 Work in pairs.

Student A: Turn to page 202.

Student B: Turn to page 204.

Conditionals: Expressing regret

The third conditional can be used to express regrets. For each of the following situations, imagine what the person might be thinking. Write a third conditional sentence for each picture.


Vocabulary 2: Put

1  a Write one word in each gap to complete the phrasal verbs and expressions in bold in these extracts from the article on pages 142 and 143. Then check your answers in the article.

Question No. /

1 ... meteorologists who put their lives risk by chasing tornadoes ... (B)

2 I couldn't put the novel when I was reading it. (C)

3 ... the crew being put by Captain Billy Tyne for one final fishing trip in the season. (C)

4 If you can put up the fact that the Sensurround effect ... cannot be recreated on the DVD in your lounge ... (D)

5 ... this is not a cosy family film to put your feet with on a Sunday afternoon. (D)

b Match these meanings to the phrasal verbs and expressions you completed in a.

tolerate     endanger        relax      stop          reading       assemble

2   Match each sentence beginning 1-9 with an appropriate ending a-i.


Question No. /

1 I've joined an amateur dramatics society: we're going to put on

2 These trousers are far too tight for me now: I must have put on

3 There's nothing on the television this evening: we could put on

4 I'm going to have to move out of my flat. My landlord's put up

5 Don't shout out the answer, Lara. You know you have to put up

6 Robin's coming to London today and I've offered to put him up

7 The groom had an accident in the morning so they had to put off

8 It rained every single day and the tent got flooded. It put him off

9 She found it hard to study, as several things were putting her off

a weight

b for the night.

c camping for life.

d the radio instead.

e the rent yet again.

f the wedding to a later date.

g a production of Hamlet in June.

h your hand if you want to say something.

i like the noise of the traffic and the neighbours arguing.

3  The phrasal verbs put on, put up and put off, each have multiple meanings. Use the sentences in exercise 2 to help you match each verb to the following groups of meanings.

Question No. /

a increase; raise into the air; accommodate

b postpone; discourage from; distract

c organize an event; gain; make equipment start working

4 Complete the gaps 1-4 with the words in the box.

money      effort      blame     pressure

Question No. /

A My parents used to put a lot of (1 )on me to study harder. They said I wouldn't get into university if I didn't put more time and (2)into my school work.

B I'd been putting some (3)aside each week to pay for our holiday, and during the night someone broke in and stole it. The policeman who came had the cheek to put the (4) on me; he said I shouldn't have left so much cash in the house.


تحمل كردن
به خطر انداختن
put on a production of Hamlet in June
تولید هملت را در ژوئن اجرا کرد
put on weight
اضافه وزن
put on the radio instead
در عوض رادیو بگذارید
put up the rent yet again
دوباره اجاره را پرداخت کنید
put up your hand if you want to say something
اگر می خواهی چیزی بگوئی دستت را بلند کن
put him up for the night
او را برای شب نگه دارید
put off the wedding to a later date
عروسی را به تاریخ دیگری موکول کنید
put him off camping for life
او را برای مادام العمر از کمپینگ کنار گذاشت
putting her off like the noise of the traffic and the neighbours arguing
مثل سر و صدای ترافیک و دعوای همسایه ها او را کنار می گذارند
جا دادن
عقب انداختن
دلسرد کردن
حواس پرت کردن
کسب کردن
put a lot of pressure on
فشار زیادی به آن وارد کند
put more time and effort into
زمان و تلاش بیشتری را صرف کنید
putting some money aside
کنار گذاشتن مقداری پول
put the blame on
سرزنش کنید

آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

اینجا کلیک کنید

ماژیک فسفری

با استفاده از ماژیک فسفری می توانید کلمات و بخش های مهم را برای خود علامت گذاری نمایید و هنگام پاسخ به آزمون از آنها استفاده کنید. برای از بین بردن بخش های رنگی دوباره روی آن کلیک نمایید.

دفترچه یادداشت

هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.