11 What on earth's going on?
Vocabulary 1: Weather
1 Describe the typical weather conditions in your area for each season.
2 All the words in each of the groups 1-7 below can be used with one of the nouns in the box to form strong collocations. For each group of words write the noun which can be used in the appropriate space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
sunshine showers sky storm clouds rain winds
0 overcast
clear Sky
1 violent
2 fine
3 strong
4 warm
5 rough
6 thick
7 light
3 Study the words in exercise 1 for two minutes. Then cover up the adjectives and see how many you can remember for each noun.
4 Complete each gap with a two-word adjective + noun collocation from exercise 2.
More than one answer may be possible. The first one has been done for you
1 There's a lovely clear sky tonight so we might see a shooting star.
2 Our garden wall was blown down during the night by .
3 Heavy will fall on high ground tonight, so skiers can look forward to a good day on the slopes tomorrow.
4 It's going to rain - there are some very overhead. Look at them.
5 has caused serious flooding throughout the region.
6 We sailed on a beautiful with not a wave in sight.
5 Describe the photos above using as many of the adjective + noun collocations as possible. What types of weather do you prefer? What weather conditions do you least like?
Listening 1
Part 2
Sentence completion 2.22
1 How often do you watch, read or listen to the weather forecast? Why?
How accurate do you think the weather forecasts are for your area?
2 You will hear an Irishman called Michael Gallagher giving a talk about the traditional methods he uses to forecast the weather. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences.
Michael Gallagher has been predicting the weather for over (1) years.
Michael has gained a lot of his knowledge from local people, especially (2)
The title of the book that Michael has written is Traditional (3) .
Michael says that if you see swallows flying (4) it means the weather will improve.
A cat with its back to the fire is a sign that (5) weather is on its way.
If a storm is coming, cows, horses and (6) keep their backs to a hedge while eating.
Michael successfully predicted a warm summer by observing sheep moving towards the (7) at the end of spring.
The late growth of (8) in October helped Michael predict a cold winter.
One popular saying predicts good weather if there is a (9) at the end of the day.
Michael forecasts very (10) for his area over the next few days.
3 Would you have confidence in Michael's methods? Why/Why not?
Do you know any popular sayings in your country related to the weather?
Language focus 1: So, neither and nor
1 Read a and b, then answer the questions below.
a In these sentences from the listening, Michael expresses similarities in the way some birds and animals behave.
Swallows flying low are a sign that rain is on its way, and so are crows if they're flying in groups.
Cows don't stay in the middle of a field if they sense a storm coming, and neither do horses.
b These sentences express differences in the way some people behave or think.
I'll probably read Michael's book, but I know Rita won't.
She doesn't think traditional methods are reliable, but I do.
What determines whether so or neither is used when expressing similarities?
What determines which auxiliary verb is used, for both similarities and differences?
Check your ideas on pages 217-18 of the Grammar reference.
2 a Match each statement 1-8 with a reply a-h.
1 I'm not very interested in politics.
2 I don't know how to play chess.
3 Last night I didn't sleep very well.
4 Next week I'm going tostart revising for the exams.
5 I'd like to go for a drink now.
6 I've never been windsurfing.
7 I really enjoy going for long walks.
8 My favourite colour is green.
a So would I.
b I don't
c Neither are we.
d So is mine.
e Mark does.
f Nor did I
g So are we.
h Neither have I.
b Change the underlined part of each statement 1-8 to make sentences that are true for you.
c Read out the sentences you wrote in b. Respond to your partner using so, neither and nor.
ماژیک فسفری
با استفاده از ماژیک فسفری می توانید کلمات و بخش های مهم را برای خود علامت گذاری نمایید و هنگام پاسخ به آزمون از آنها استفاده کنید. برای از بین بردن بخش های رنگی دوباره روی آن کلیک نمایید.
دفترچه یادداشت
هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.