FCE listening about fire fighter quality

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Vocabulary: The world of work

1   a The following verbs can all be used before the countable noun job.

به جای عبارات می توانید از (a,b,c,d,e) استفاده کنید.

a: get          b: look for          c: apply for           d: be-out-of         e: go for an interview for

Put the verbs in the boxes below depending on the order they normally occur in. The first one has been done for you.

Question No. /

be out of a job

b The following verbs all indicate ways of ending a job. Put each one into an appropriate gap below.

Question No. /

a: sacked b: made redundant c: resigned

1 Because of the economic crisis, 50 workers were in order to ensure the survival of the company.
2 She had become increasingly bored in her job, so she from the company in order to take up a more challenging post.
3 He was for stealing and he's finding it difficult to get another job.

Question No. /

2a Which of the verbs below is not normally used before the countable noun career?

Question No. /

b Which of the nouns below is not normally used after the verb to earn?


3   Explain the difference in meaning between the two items, a and b, in 1-3 below.
1  to work part time             2  to work overtime                to work flexitime
   b   to work full time                 b  to work long hours                 b  to work shifts

 a   Name the jobs in the photographs.

      b   Describe one of the jobs to your partner but without naming it. Your partner will tell you which one you are describing. Use some of the Useful language from the box.

Useful language

A skills

You (don't) need good telephone/compuhthrtittic/organizational/language skills lor this job.
B Adjectives for peronal qualitiae
patient      confident      intelligent      brave       well-educated       talented
strong       creative         hard-working      polite       cheerful      fit
C Adjectives for jobs
well-paid       responsible       satisfying      challenging
badly paid     tiring     unpleasant     monotonous


Listening 2

Part 2

sentence completion 1.31


1  What skills and qualities do you think are required to be a firefighter?
What do you think firefighters do when they are not called out to attend to a fire?
 You will hear a talk given by Rob Martin, the station manager at Hove Fire Station.
For questions 1-10, complete the sentences.

Don't forget!

Underline the correct alternative in each of the following sentences.
-You need to/don't need to write more than three words for each answer.
- You should/shouldn't write a word or phrase that you actually hear. You need to/don't need to rephrase.
- Minor spellings errors can/can't be made, but the words you write need to/don't need to be recognizable to the examiner, so you shoud/shouldn't check your spelling.
- You can/can't expect to hear the answers in the same order as the questions.

Before you listen to type of information the recording, read through all the questions and try to predict the you will hear for each one.

Right, let's start by talking about the selection procedure. What do you have to do in order to become a firefighter? Well, it's a fairly rigorous process, with a range of different tests. We don't insist on any academic qualifications, but potential recruits do have to take a short educational test. Now this test is aimed at assessing basic literacy and numeracy, or in other words, reading, writing and arithmetic. But we also look at a candidate's people skills, because community work, dealing with the public, is such an important part of the job nowadays. And I'll say a bit more about that later. Now you may be surprised to hear that firefighters no longer have to be a minimum height. Instead, they do a series of physical tests, which are designed to measure things like how tightly they can grip things, or whether their back and legs are strong enough.If they get through this stage they go on to the next one, the practical awareness day, which involves fitness tests, checks to see if claustrophobia is a problem and practical tasks such as ladder climbing. Of course, both sexes are accepted into the force, though I have to say, women are still very much in the minority. In case you're wondering, we've had up to five women working with us at Hove Fire Station at any one time in the past. At the moment, though, there are just three on the workforce. OK, what's next? Well, as you know, firefighters are on call 24 hours a day, so let me just say a little bit about how the shift system works. At Hove we operate an eight-day rota. That means a firefighter works two nine-hour day shifts, followed by two fifteen-hour night shifts. And then we get four days off before starting again. It's a continuous cycle. Er, a typical shift begins with the Watch Parade, which is where one shift hands over to the next. Now this is a fairly formal affair and it's compulsory for everyone to wear full uniform. After that - if it's a day shift - mornings are taken up with training and equipment checks. We have to make sure that vital equipment such as our breathing apparatus is in perfect working order. And our fire engines, of course, have to be checked from top to bottom, too. Er, afternoons are usually given over to community safety work, which is what I mentioned at the beginning. So, for example, we do a lot of home safety visits, where we give advice to vulnerable people, such as the elderly and disabled, on how to keep their homes safe. And we'll fit smoke alarms if they haven't got them installed already. One question I often get asked at these talks is 'What is your busiest time?' Well, we tend to get called out more in the evening, rather than during the day.
That's the time when shops and other business premises are left unattended,
and also when most people are at home, cooking and so on. As you might expect, the majority of fires are domestic ones. The fires themselves often take only minutes to put out, but clearing up afterwards can take several hours. We have to do everything we can to prevent the danger of a fire re-igniting, so that means taking all the floors up, getting flammable things like carpets out of the building, and so on. So what's it like being a firefighter? Well, obviously it's dangerous work and any firefighter who said that he had never felt frightened would be fooling himself and you. But it's all a matter of control. It's what we've been trained for and we learn to control feelings such as fear. But quite apart from the danger and the drama of the job, it's obviously very satisfying being out on the street, knowing that you're helping the public, doing something useful. I certainly don't think I'd be able to do any other job.

Question No. /

Potenlial recruils are not required lo have any (1)
Applicanta take a literacy and numeracy test and are also assessed on their (2) ekills.
There are phyeical tests measuring a candidate's grip and the strength of their (3) and
Hove fire station currently employs (4) women.
After working a series of day and night shifts firefighters have a break of (5)
At, the Watch parade, during the change of shift, firefighters have to (6)
Firefighters give home safety advice to vulnerable people like the (7) and
Most call-outs occur during the (8)
Firefighters can spend (9) clearing up after a fire.
Rob says that being a firefighter is a dangeroue but at the same time very (10) job.

3   Look at the listening script on page 226 and use the context to help you guess the meanings of the phrasal verbs in bold.

A typical shift begins with the Watch Parade, which is where one shift hands over to the next.
Hand over means to give power, control or responsibility to someone else.

4   Would you be interested in working as a firefighter? Why/Why not?

آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

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ماژیک فسفری

با استفاده از ماژیک فسفری می توانید کلمات و بخش های مهم را برای خود علامت گذاری نمایید و هنگام پاسخ به آزمون از آنها استفاده کنید. برای از بین بردن بخش های رنگی دوباره روی آن کلیک نمایید.

دفترچه یادداشت

هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.