آزمون اسفند ماه 96 ept

آزمون ای پی تی اسفند 96 همراه با پاسخ تشریحی
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Section One: Vocabulary

Read each statement below carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the best answer
(1, 2, 3, 4)

Question No. /

1- She would often......vinegar to help ke1ep the bugs out of her garden.

Question No. /

2- lf you want to........... your self-respect, you should not put yourself in an unbecoming position.

Question No. /

3- I try not to........ my father when he's busy, but everything I do seems to get on his nerves.

Question No. /

4- He looked away, at the blue sky......... through the window.

Question No. /

5- Raging waters advanced and proceeded to fully.......... even the homes that sat on high hills.

Question No. /

6- Since the beginning of human existence, the abundance of nature has inspired us to ......... our natural resources, and that is why we are experiencing such a mess.

Question No. /

7- On most family vacations, I......... the backrest and sleep while my mom drives .

Question No. /

8- We would need more water to......... the fire.

Question No. /

9- Because Tara has a weak immune system, she takes vitamins to help her body......... . infections,

Question No. /

10- Melissa believes she is entitled and can........ any law because she is related to the town mayor.

Question No. /

11- The book describes what happens when the values and beliefs of one generation ......... with those of another generation.

Question No. /

12- The speaker showed the students pictures of car crashes to........ the danger of driving carelessly.

Question No. /

13- In order to....... all of this knowledge, I must read every single page in this book and study it all very carefully.

Question No. /

14- Even though the layout of the map looks........ , careful study will reveal a clever arrangement of landmarks pointing to the treasure.

Question No. /

15- His failures have been......... by the success of his friends.

Question No. /

16- My bank account began to......... when I made several large purchases.

Question No. /

17- A form was signed giving......... for the woman's daughter to make financial decisions.

Question No. /

18- My mother's......... cleaning list covers every inch of the house.

Question No. /

19- During my lecture, I tried to......... all the major battles of World War II.

Question No. /

20- She's trying to.......... fatty foods from her diet.

Question No. /

21- Although they hoped for compliments and......... for their work, the designers were met with criticism instead of applause.

Question No. /

22- I am trying to....... showing any hint of favoritism.

Question No. /

23- Everyone knows Martha gained her seat on the city council through........ and blackmail.

Question No. /

24- Since Bill did not win the award, he was somewhat........... after the event.

Question No. /

25- Despite years of research by different scientists, the cure for the disease has shown to be........ .


Section Two: Structure Part One

Read the following sentences. In each sentence. choose the number of the underlined word or group of words that is NOT correct.

Question No. /

26. Choose the incorrect answer.

Studies show that the most dangerous time to drive is at night. Fatal crash are four times as likely to occur after hours compared during the day.

Question No. /

27.Choose the incorrect answer.

After completing a business plan that help him to determine that there was demand for his product, John is ready to start promoting his business.

Question No. /

28.Choose the incorrect answer.

The obvious easiest and most effective way to defend yourself from harsh nighttime driving conditions is improve your vision.

Question No. /

29.Choose the incorrect answer.

Being aware of danger before it becomes to late to act is a major leap forward in defensive driving. The only problem is that there are so many glares and lights hitting you on the evening roads!

Question No. /

30.Choose the incorrect answer.

The great engineers over at Clear Sight came up with a pair of driving glasses that turn your blurry and glaring nightlv time change into a crvstal-clear breeze.

Question No. /

31.Choose the incorrect answer.

The anti-glare lenses make quick work of the blur that pollute your vision from street lamps , traffic lights, oncoming traffic's headlights, and more!

Question No. /

32.Choose the incorrect answer.

A homely person is warm and friendly manner and enjoys home life.

Question No. /

33. Choose the incorrect answer.

The landlord and the tenant were in agreement that the rent should prorated to the middle of the Month.

Question No. /

34. Choose the incorrect answer.

After read the contract, I was still unable to determine if our company was liable for back wages.

Question No. /

35. Choose the incorrect answer.

I felt obligated finish the project even though I could have exercised my opinion to quit.

Question No. /

36. Choose the incorrect answer.

To be reflective means to mentally wander through where we have be and to try to make some sense out of it.

Question No. /

37.Choose the incorrect answer.

Sometimes, encouraging reflection is as simple so inviting students to think about their thinking.

Question No. /

38. Choose the incorrect answer.

For example, invite students to sharing their metacognition, reveal their intentions, detail their strategies for solving a problem.

Question No. /

39.Choose the incorrect answer.

During these kinds at rich discussions, students learn how to listen to and explore the implications of each other's metacognitive strategies.

Question No. /

40.Choose the incorrect answer.

In order to test the personality of a potential driver, we have to understand how it constructed. Construction is structured through perception, learning, and memory.

Question No. /

41.Choose the incorrect answer.

Interviews are another wav to lead students to share reflections about their learn and their growth in the Habits of Mind.

Question No. /

42.Choose the incorrect answer.

A teacher can interview a student, or students can interview classmates. Set aside time at the last of a learning sequence-a lesson, a unit, a school day. or a school year-to question each other about what has been learned.

Question No. /

43.Choose the incorrect answer.

Interviews also provide teachers and students for opportunities to model and practice a variety of constructive habits.

Question No. /

44. Choose the incorrect answer.

They help to pinpoint and correct behavioral difficulties and, therefore, they shape driver have a safe relationship with driving at all times.

Question No. /

45.Choose the incorrect answer.

The skill of the union bargainers will determine whether the automotive plant will open last week.

Question No. /

46.Choose the incorrect answer.

Whether you have small apartment in your house to rent, or decide to invest in an apartment, rental property can provide extra income for you.

Question No. /

47. Choose the incorrect answer.

A lease is an agreement between a landlord and a tenant. Standard lease are available on the internet, and many property owner find them quite satisfactory.

Question No. /

48.Choose the incorrect answer.

The lease is the more important tool you have if you need to resolve a dispute with your tenant.

Question No. /

49.Choose the incorrect answer.

In order to have assured that we provide our customers with the best possible service, we always try to determine the reasons for contract cancellations.

Question No. /

50. Choose the incorrect answer.

There was a good market for brightly colored clothing last year, but this year nobody seem interested in buying it.

Question No. /

51. Choose the incorrect answer.

If you are looking in a houseplant that produces beautiful blooms, there is nothing quite like Peace Lilies. Unlike most leafy plants, they are one of the few that sprout flowers without a lot of sunlight.

Question No. /

52.Choose the incorrect answer.

Smart consumers are concerned about their family nutrition. Health should be a top priority for all of us. We want high quality food products at competitive prices.

Question No. /

53.Choose the incorrect answer.

Two men and three women have arrested in connection with the attack that happened yesterday.

Question No. /

54.Choose the incorrect answer.

The landlord and the tenant were in agreement that the rent should be prorated to the middle at the month.

Question No. /

55. Choose the incorrect answer.

Unfortunately, the warranty on yours toaster has expired and the termsof the warranty do not cover the product anymore.


Section Two: Structure Part Two

In each of the following sets of sentences, three sentences are grammatically correct and one sentence is not grammatical. Identify the incorrect sentence and mark your answer sheet.

Question No. /

56.Choose the incorrect answer.

Question No. /

57.Choose the incorrect answer.

Question No. /

58.Choose the incorrect answer.

Question No. /

59.Choose the incorrect answer.

Question No. /

60. Choose the incorrect answer.

Question No. /

61.Choose the incorrect answer.

Question No. /

62.Choose the incorrect answer.

Question No. /

63.Choose the incorrect answer.

Question No. /

64.Choose the incorrect answer.

Question No. /

65.Choose the incorrect answer.


Section Three: Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the passages and choose the one best answer, (1) , (2), (3) or ( 4), for each question.

Passage 1

Anybody who does not know much about nanotechnology should begin with geckos. Geckos are lizards and are probably the world's best climbers. Watching them climb upside down on a horizontal pane of glass, you realize that Spider-man should really have been called gecko man.

With perfect ease, they can hang from a single toe, and they do so by pure adhesion, not by sticking a toe in a hole or by curling it round something, they can grip. With all the toes on the glass, scientists estimate that if the rest of the body were strong enough it could take the weight of a 100kg person suspended below it. Although each toe is equipped with a tiny hook like claw at the end, these are of no use on the glass. What keeps them up there is the amazing structure of the skin of the toe. Seen under the microscope each toe bas around two million tiny hairs on its underside. Under the higher magnification of an electron microscope, the end of each of these hairs is seen to split into hundreds of even tinier nano-hairs, which scientist have called spatulae. These hairs are so small that they are able to establish contact with the molecular structure of the surface the gecko is walking on. With the nearperfect contact, the hairs are stuck to the surface by electromagnetic forces called van der Waals forces. The molecules on the feet and on the surface have areas of slight positive or negative charge that attract each other like mini magnets when they get close.

Scientists have been working for over 15 years now to try to unlock the secrets of the stickiness of gecko toes and find a way to artificially reproduce the same structure of nano-hairs. The hypothesis now is that if any material can be shaped into nano-hairs, they will have the same properties as those on gecko toes, so scientists are looking for an alternative material with which to manufacture the stickiest synthetic surface ever.

Question No. /

66- We learn from the first paragraph that.......... .

Question No. /

67- Geckos cannot take the weight of a 100 kg person because their......... .

Question No. /

68- Spatulae are stuck to the surface by.......... .

Question No. /

69- The stickiness of the gecko toes........... .

Question No. /

70- The fact that a small creature can hang from a single toe........ .


Passage 2

Scientists know many things about the Sun. The Sun is more than 4 ½ billion years old. It may seem small, but that is because it is so far away. It is about 150 million kilometers away from the Earth. The Sun is so large that its diameter is I 09 times the Earth's diameter. The Sun also weights as much as 333,000 Earth. It is made up of gases: 75% hydrogen and 25% helium. The surface of the Sun is about 5,600 degree Celsius. The Sun's core is even hotter and the temperature reaches about 15 million Celsius. The Sun is the center of our Solar System. Besides the Sun, the Solar System is made up of the planets, moons, asteroid belt, comets, meteors, and other objects. The Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. Without the Sun, there would be only darkness and our planet would be very cold and be without liquid water. Our planet would also be without people, animals, and plants because these things need sunlight and water to live.

The Sun also gives out dangerous ultraviolet light, which causes sunburn and may cause cancer. The Sun is actually a star. It is the closest star to the Earth. Scientists also study other stars, huge balls of glowing gas in the sky. There are over 200 billion stars in the sky. Some are much larger than the Sun and others are smaller than the Earth. They all look tiny because they are so far away from the Earth. This distance is measured in light-years, not in miles or kilometers. (One light-year is equal to the distance that light travels in one year. This is about six trillion miles or ten trillion kilometers!) Stars look like they are twinkling because when we see them, we are looking at them through thick layers of turbulent (moving) air in the Earth's atmosphere. Stars have lifetimes of billions of years. They are held together by their own gravity. Over half of the stars in the sky are in groups of two. Thev orbit around the same center point and across from each other. There are also larger groups of stars called clusters, which make up galaxies. Our Solar System is located in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Question No. /

71- What is one comparison the author makes about the size of the Sun?

Question No. /

72- The main idea of the passage is that the......... .

Question No. /

73- What does the passage say about the size of stars?

Question No. /

74- According to the passage, clusters are......... .

Question No. /

75- Milky Way Galaxy is mentioned to state......... .


Passage 3

Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered radium, an element widely used for treating cancer, and studied uranium and other radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie's amicable collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom. Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her great energy for learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high school. She became disappointed, however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to receive a higher education, she left Poland and in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where she earned her master' degree and doctorate in physics.Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists of her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent many productive years working together in the physics laboratory. A short time after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed by a horse drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned by this horrible misfortune. Hopelessly, she recalled their close relationship and the joy that they had shared in scientific research. The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by herself greatly increased her distress. Curie's feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her husband as a physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a professorship at the world-famous university. In 1911, she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long exposure to radium, she never became disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and to revealing the mysteries of the physical world.

Question No. /

76- The Curies'......... collaboration helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.

Question No. /

77- According to the passage, the word closest in meaning to blithe is.......... .

Question No. /

78- When she learned that she could not attend the university in Warsaw, she...... .

Question No. /

79- The word "this" in paragraph three refers to....... .

Question No. /

80- When Marie returned to the Sorbonne to succeed her husband...... .


Passage 4

In the I 6th century, an age of great marine and global exploration, Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition to sail around the world. As a young Portuguese noble, he served the king of Portugal, but he became involved in a political intrigue and lost the king's favor. After he was dismissed from service by the king of Portugal, he offered to serve the future Emperor Charles V of Spain. On September 20, 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain with five ships. More than a year later, one of these ships was exploring the physical features of South America in search of a water route across the Continent . This ship sank, but the remaining four ships searched along the southern peninsula of South America. Finally, they found the passage they sought near 50 degrees south latitude. Magellan named this passage the Strait of All Saints, but today it is known as the Strait of Magellan. One ship deserted while in this passage and returned to Spain, so fewer sailors were privileged to gaze at that first panorama of the Pacific Ocean.

Question No. /

81- The 16th century was an age of great........ exploration.

Question No. /

82- Magellan served Emperor Charles V of Spain because he........ .

Question No. /

83- The word "continent" in line 8 refers to......... .

Question No. /

84- The Strait of Magellan is......... .

Question No. /

85- The word "privileged" in paragraph two is closest in meaning to....... .


Section. Four: Cloze Passage

Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate choice.

Passage 1 Ethics are external standards that are provided by institutions, groups, or culture to which an individual belongs. For example, lawyers, policemen, and doctors ... 86... have to follow an ethical code laid down ...87 ... their profession, regardless of their own feelings or preferences. Ethics ... 88... also be considered a social system or a framework for acceptable behavior. Morals are also influenced by ... 89 ... or society, but they are personal principles ... 90 ... and upheld by individuals themselves. Ethics are very consistent within a certain context, ... 91 ... can vary greatly between contexts. For example, the ... 92... of the medical profession in the 21st century are generally consistent and do not ...93... from hospital to hospitabut l, they are different from the ethics of the 21st century legal ... 94 .... An individual's moral code is usually unchanging ... 95... consistent across all contexts, but it is also possible for certain events to radically change an individual' personal ... 96 ... and values.One professional example of ethics conflicting ... 97... morals is the work of a defense attorney. A lawyer's morals may tell her that murder is reprehensible and that murderers should be ... 98 ... , but her ethics as a professional lawyer, require her to defend her ... 99... to the best of her abilities even if she knows that the client is guilty. Another example can be found in the medical field. In most parts of the world, a doctor may not euthanize a patient, ... 100... at the patient's request, as per ethical standards for health. However, the same doctor may personally believe in a patient's right to die, as per the doctors own morality.

Question No. /

86.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

87.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

88.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

89.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

90.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

91.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

92.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

93.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

94.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

95.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

96.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

97.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

98.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

99.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

100.Choose the correct answer.

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