fce reading about artists

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 13  Animal magic

Vocabulary 1: The Arts

1 Both words in each of the pairs below can be used in combination with one of the words in the box. Write an appropriate word from the box in each of the spaces. There is an example at the beginning (0).

novel        opera        concert       painting     stone     classical     gallery

Question No. /

0 open-air consert











4 portrait


5 abstract


6 detective


2 Which people do you associate with each of the following areas of the arts?

theatre       music          literature           art           opera           ballet          sculpture


Theatre: actor, actress, director, cast, playwright, audience

Check your answers in the Wordlist on page 208.

Reading and Use of English

Part 6

Gapped text

1 Look at the work of art in the photograph and discuss the following questions.

What type of person might want to own such a work of art?

Where might they put it on display?


2 You are going to read an article about British artist Damien Hirst, who created the work in the photograph. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Question No. /

The most successful living artist

Have you ever thought, 'I wish I could be an artist'? Don't give up hope. Damien Hirst nearly failed his art A Level at school and his work now sells for millions.

Controversial British painter Damien Hirst is generally considered to be the most successful artist alive, thanks to the huge prices paid for his work. Hirst changed the face of contemporary art in the 1990s with his Natural History series, in which dead animals are preserved in formaldehyde and displayed in glass cases.

The first of these, his four-metre shark entitled The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, fetched an incredible £6.5 million when it was sold to an unnamed American collector 1. After that came a string of similarly provocative works, which included a pickled lamb in Away from the Flock, as well as dissected cows and rotting animal carcasses.

2. Animal rights activists objected strongly to his Amazing Revelations, a triangular collage made of thousands of dismembered butterfly wings. In 1994, Away from the Flock became the focus of attention when Mark Bridger, an artist from Oxford, poured black ink into the tank containing the dead lamb. However, Bridger claimed he was contributing to the artwork, not protesting against it and he renamed it Black Sheep.

The controversy surrounding Hirst's work inevitably raises the question of whether or not it constitutes art. For some, there is absolutely no doubt: he has been described as 'a genius' and 'a pioneer of the British art movement'. Others have a very different view. When Hirst won the prestigious Turner prize in 1995, a Conservative politician writing in The Sun newspaper asked: 'Have they gone stark raving mad?'3.

But there are also many people within the art world who have attacked and ridiculed the artist, accusing him of producing work which is exaggerated and silly. 4. He, too, has used the word 'silly' to describe his spin paintings, a series of works created by dropping paint onto a spinning canvas. 'You do turn round after a few years and look at your stuff and you think it's embarrassing,' he confessed at an exhibition in 2005. 'Certainly everything you make is not a masterpiece.'

He also freely admits to using assistants to do most of his spot-paintings, which consist of rows of randomly coloured dots. Of the 500 or more such works produced, he is said to have painted only five himself. 5. And indeed, there is nothing new about artists getting others to do some of the work for them: Rembrandt, for example, had very large workshops with pupils to help him, and they had to pay for the privilege.

In recent years Hirst has branched out and taken on new challenges. He has made short films, opened a restaurant, set up a publishing! company and even recorded a pop music single. 6. But of course, it is his art for which he will be best remembered, and like it or not, it continues to sell.

A Indeed, the tabloid press is one of Hirst's strongest critics.

B Entitled 'Vindaloo', it reached number two in the UK charts in 1998.

C The work caused a sensation when it was first shown in 1992 and quickly became a symbol for the circle known as the Young British Artists, or YBAs.

D In defence of this practice he is quoted as saying, 'Architects don't build their own


E Mother and Child Divided, a cow and calf cut in half, certainly fits this description.

F Predictably, the artist has come in for criticism for his use of real animals.

G Surprisingly enough, though, Hirst seems to agree with some of this criticism.

 Reacting to the text

Do you think Damien Hirst's work constitutes art? Why/Why not?

Why do some people pay vast sums of money for artworks? Would you?

آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

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