Fce grammar about the future

گرامر کتاب اف سی ای درباره ی زمان آینده
1539 0

Language focus: The future

A Making predictions

1 The following sentences all represent opinions, predictions or expectations about the future. Decide which of the words and expressions in bold express:

    a certainty       b probability            c possibility

1 The ISS will probably still be in operation after 2020.

2 It may well continue in orbit until 2028.

3 The American space shuttle programme has finished, but Russian Soyuz capsules will continue to take astronauts to the space station.

4 The US space agency NASA might one day set up a space station on the moon.

5 They could even establish a base on Mars.

6 But this is not likely to happen in my lifetime!

What is the negative form of each of the words and phrases in bold in 1-5 above?

Example: will probably- probably won't/will not

Look at the following predictions for the year 2030. Make your own predictions by completing each gap below with either the positive or the negative form of one of the words or phrases in Section A.

 1 Robot pets _________ take over from animals in the home.

 2 The car ___________ cease to be the main means of

 3 Children __________ receive most of their education at home.

 4 Books _________ be found only in museums.

 5 Scientists ________ have found a cure for cancer and Aids.

 6 There ___________ be peace throughout the world.

Discuss your sentences with your partner.

B Other futures

Match each of the future forms 1-9 with an explanation a-i.

Example: 1 b

Question No. /

1 I can't talk now. I am just about to go into a meeting.

2 This time next week I'll be sitting on a beach in Spain.

3 When you come to visit. I will have finished my exams.

4 The train leaves at seven o'clock tomorrow evening.

5 That suitcase looks very heavy. Here, l'll carry it for you.

6 I'm meeting Susan at eight o'clock.

7I'm going to try and book a flight to Morocco.

8 Quick, give me a handkerchief! I think I'm going to sneeze.

9 Elisa will be nine years old next Monday.

a a prediction based on present evidence

b an event which is on the point of happening c a timetabled event

d an event that will be in progress at a certain time in the future

e an event that will be completed by a certain time in the future

f an arrangement made with another person

g a personal intention or planned decision

h a factual statement about the future

i an offer to help; a decision made at the moment of speaking

Check your ideas in the Grammar reference on pages 215-6.

C Time linkers

Complete each of the following gaps with a word from the box. Use each word only once.

soon        by            when       before      until

Question No. /

1 Make a brief plan you start writing your review.

2 What an awful traffic jam! the time we get to the airport, the plane will have left.

3 Do not unfasten your seat belt the plane has come to a complete stop.

4 I'll phone you as as I hear any news.

5 You may leave the room you have completed the test.

Which tenses are used after the time linkers to refer to the future?

D Further practice

1 In sections A and B below choose the most likely alternative.

For sections C and D complete the gaps with an appropriate future form of the verbs in brackets.


I've just heard on the radio weather forecast that it (1) is raining/is going to rain tomorrow. That's a real shame because (2) we're going/we'll go to the countryside for a picnic, and (3) we'll have to/we're having to eat in the car if the weather's bad.


Lola's plane (4) is about to take off/takes off at six tomorrow morning, so (5) I'll get up/I get up at four and give her a lift to the airport. While you're still in bed, (6) we'll be driving/we're driving along the motorway!


Question No. /

I should be able to leave work a little early tomorrow. I(7) (see) a client at four, but I don't think our meeting (8) (last) very long. We (9) (only/sign) a few papers so I expect we (10) (finish) by half past four.


Question No. /

Kath: What time (11) (we/meet) tomorrow?

What do you think?

Pascal: Well, the film (12) (not/start) until four, but we could have a coffee beforehand.

Kath: That's a good idea. In that case, I (13) {get) the 2.30 bus and I (14) (probably/see) you there at about three. OK?

Discuss these questions with your partner.

What will you be doing this time tomorrow?

What plans have you made for next weekend?

Are you planning to buy anything special in the near future?

How will your life have changed in ten years' time?

Listening 1

Part 1

Multiple choice  1.47-1.54

Don't forget!

You will hear distractors. Listen carefully both times before deciding on your answer.

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

We really didn't expect this. We thought it'd be the typical economy type hotel. You know, nothing special, just a bed, a wardrobe and a shower in the room if you're lucky. Well, we were absolutely amazed by the en suite bathroom, I can tell you. It's twice the size of ours at home. And as for the view from the balcony, it's unbelievable. We really can't complain.

Question No. /

1 You overhear this man talking about the hotel where he is staying.

How does he feel about his room?

... and I think that although my experience running a restaurant may not seem very relevant, it's still a people-orientated job. I am definitely a people person. I like dealing with the public. So whether it's listening to customers and giving them advice on the best places to go, or talking on the phone to tour operators and trying to get the best deal, I think I'd be well suited to the job. I have good people skills and I think that's an important strength.

Question No. /

2 Listen to this woman talking about a job she has applied for.

What job has she applied for?

Are you sure you had it when you left the hotel?
Positive. I didn't want to bring it but my husband made me put it in my bag.
He said you should never leave your money or your passport in your room. And then when we were having a drink and I went to pay, it had gone. Someone must have pulled it out of my bag when I wasn't looking. It had my credit cards in it and everything.
It's a good job your passport wasn't in it, too.
We'll have to report it straight away.

Question No. /

3 You hear a woman talking to a tour guide.

What is the woman's problem?

We went there because we wanted to see the stained glass windows. They say they're among the finest in Europe and the colours are supposed to be incredible when the sun shines through them. Unfortunately, we couldn't go in because we weren't properly dressed - they won't let you in if you're wearing short trousers. And the next morning when we went back it was Easter Sunday. So of course, we couldn't get to the part where the windows are because there was a special service.

Question No. /

4 You overhear a man talking about a place he tried to visit on holiday.

What place is he describing?

Yes, your skin is quite badly burnt.
How long were you out in the sun for?

About an hour, maybe.
It was after lunch and I fell asleep on the beach.
Do you have any other symptoms - dizziness, a temperature?

No, it just really hurts.

Well, it doesn't sound like sunstroke.

This cream should take away the sting,
but if you start to feel sick or dizzy, get yourself to a doctor straight away.
Thanks. How much do I owe you?

I'll just check. One second.

Question No. /

5 Listen to this conversation between a man and a teenage boy.

Who is the man?

I shouldn't complain really. I mean, the whole economy of this town is based on tourism and if they stopped coming, then a lot of people would be out of work and on the dole. But I do wish they'd show a little more respect. There are a lot of them who have music blaring out of their cars during the day, and then at night you get big groups coming into the centre for the pubs and clubs. And they don't seem to care that we can't sleep with them making such a racket. Most of them drunk, I shouldn't wonder.

Question No. /

6 You hear a local resident talking about tourists in her town.

What is she complaining about?

Where are we going?
Well, we picked up a leaflet for a nature park just outside the town.
They've got all sorts of wild animals and you can drive through and see them in their natural habitat. It looks very good.
But you said we were going to the Aqua Park.

We can't go in this weather.
And besides, your father and I want to do something different.
But that's not fair.
You can't just change your mind like that.
Don't be selfish, Steven.
It's our turn today.

Question No. /

7 You hear this boy talking to his mother.

Why is he disappointed?

Now, normally I prefer a beach with fine sand, you know, so it's not painful to walk on. This one, though, had small stones - well, more like pebbles, actually - and I don't remember the brochure saying anything about that. But anyway, we bought ourselves a pair of flip-flops each at one of the shops next to the beach, so that didn't matter too much. And then we spent most of our time there lying about in the water. It was just like being in a warm bath. I could have stayed there all day.

Question No. /

8 You hear a man talking about a beach he recently visited.

What did he like about the beach?

متوقف کردن
give her a lift
سوار ماشینش کردن
شکایت کردن
نقطه ی قوت
به طور مناسب
دما و تب
آفتاب زده
on the dole
بیمه ی بیکاری گرفتن
a racket
سر و صدای زیاد
برگه ی تبلیغات
natural habitat
مکان زندگی حیوانات
change your mind
نظرت را عوض کردن
en-suite bathroom
اتاق دارای حمام
people-orientated job
شغل مردم مدار
نشانه ها و علائم

آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

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دفترچه یادداشت

هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.