FCE collocation with give

اصطلاحات و فعل های چند وجهی با فعل give
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Vocabulary 2: Give

A  Phrasal verbs with give

1  Look at this extract from the listening on page 114. Match the two phrasal verbs in bold to their meanings a and b.

I particularly like stories which involve smells that some buildings are said to give off when ghosts are around. I don't want to give away too much here on the programme ...

a tell information or facts that should be kept secret

b produce and send into the air

2 Work out the meaning of the phrasal verbs in bold in the following sentences. Use the context of the sentence to help you.

1 I'm so unfit! I really ought to give up smoking.

2 Tired of running, he gave himself up at a police station and confessed to the crime.

3 I'm going to give out the test papers now but you mustn't begin until I tell you.

4 You should never give out your personal details or financial information online.

5 If you give in your homework now, I'll mark it tonight and give it back tomorrow.

6 My parents said no at first, but eventually they gave in and let me go to the party.

B  Collocations with give

  In sections A and B below match a sentence beginning on the left with a suitable ending on the right.



Question No. /

1 Pat saw the mouse, gave a piercing

2 Thrilled at the news, he gave a broad

3 She said goodbye, gave him a tender

4 He looked at her photo, gave a deep

5 She waved, but he gave her a blank

a - sigh , and sent her yet another text.

b- look , as if he didn't recognize her.

c- smile , showing all his teeth.

d- scream and ran out of the room.

e- kiss on the cheek and walked away.


Question No. /

1 Lovely to see you. Give my best

2 The conference brochure gives full

3 Your gifts of toys will give great

4 Lucy's parents were given a nasty

5 Meryl Streep gives an impressive

6 The President gave a lengthy

a shock when they saw her phone bill.

b performance in this, her latest film.

c speech on the state of the economy.

d details of speakers and their talks.

e regards to your family, won't you?

f pleasure to the orphaned children.

2 The collocations in bold in exercise 1A all refer to physical actions of some kind.

Match the following general meanings to the collocations in bold in 1B.

a to cause someone to experience an emotional feeling

b to perform or present something in public

c to communicate information, opinions or greetings

 3   Cover up the sentence endings in the right hand column of exercises 1A and B and see how many of the nouns you can remember for the corresponding verb + adjective combinations on the left.

a   Describe situations in which you might:

  • give a broad smile
  • give a piercing scream
  • give a deep sigh
  • give a nervous laugh
  • give someone a blank look

b Think of a time when someone or something:

  • gave you a nasty shock
  • gave you. a pleasant surprise
  • gave you great pleasure
  • gave an impressive performance
  • gave a lengthy (and boring!) speech


You might give a broad smile when you find out you've passed an exam, or you ask someone to go out with you and they say yes'.

Reading and Use of English 2

Part 2

Open cloze

 Read the examples of sportsmen and women's superstitious rituals on page 204. Do you know any more like this?

2 For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.


Question No. /

Sporting superstitions

Most of (0)us have routines, habits and superstitions. We'll wear our lucky shirt to an interview, arrange our cutlery in a particular way or turn the oven off three times, just to (1) sure. In a competitive environment, in (2) athletes are all going for gold, years of training, drastic diets and intense coaching might just (3) be enough. So, sometimes, the Olympians turn (4) luck for extra support.

'Superstition is very common in sport,' says sports psychologist Dr George Sik. 'Athletes use it so they can rely on something else other (5) their own consciousness. Superstition means being in control, adding a safety net. If you convince (6) that you are in luck, you'll boost your confidence and tend to perform better. And if you fail, you can always blame it (7) the luck.'

So, (8) they may know deep down that a 'lucky' pair of socks won't take them over the line any faster, many athletes stick to their rituals for that little bit of confidence, belief and a sense of security.

3   How much does superstition affect your behaviour?

Listening 2

Part 2

Sentence completion  1.61

1 You will hear a woman called Sally Hurst talking on the radio about the Superstition Mountain Range in the United States. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences.


Hi, I'm Sally Hurst and I've just got back from Arizona, where I spent two weeks in the Superstition Mountain Range, near Phoenix. It's an area known to many people for its luxury golf courses, and those who can afford it go there to play golf in a desert setting. But it also attracts enthusiasts of more energetic outdoor activities like rock climbing or mountain biking. And I was lucky enough to go hiking when I was there. There are miles of paths and the scenery is absolutely spectacular.
'It's a bit hot there, though, isn't it?',
some of my friends have asked. Well. it depends when you go. It's early spring now, of course, and that's fine. Winter and autumn are also OK, but I certainly wouldn't advise going there in summer whatever the reason for vour visit. Temperatures can reach tip to 45 degrees or more - and that's far too hot for me.
The main reason I went there was to research some of the legends and mysteries of the area
for a forthcoming radio documentary. The very origin of the name, Superstition Mountains is itself a bit of a mystery. One theory says they were given their name by sixteenth-century Spanish settlers, some of whom inexplicably vanished when they went exploring there. But the more likely explanation is that it came about in the nineteenth century, when it was discovered that the locai Pima Indians were frightened of the mountains. Farmers in the area attributed this fear to superstition, and they decided to give that name first to one mountain, and then the whole range.
Perhaps the most talked-about mystery in the area is that of the so-called Lost Dutchman's Mine,
which is supposedly somewhere in the Superstition Mountains. Far from being Dutch, the owner of the gold mine in question, Jacob Waltz, was actuallv German, or Deutsch in his native language. Waltz arrived in the United States in November 1839, and spent virtually all his life there prospecting for gold, firstly in North Carolina, then Georgia, California and finally Arizona. When he passed away in October 1891 he took the secret of his mine with him to his grave.
You see, apparently Waltz had found what was believed by some to be the richest gold mine in the world.
But he didn't tell anyone where it was, and it's a mystery which remains unsolved to this day. According to one estimate in 1977, up to eight thousand people a year tried to locate the mine. And even today. despite the ban on mineral prospecting in 1983, many people still head for the region to see if they can find it.
Waltz left a few clues, but they weren't particularly helpful.
In one of them, for example,he says, 'The rays of the setting sun shine into the entrance of my mine', but that could be just about anywhere.
I did a lot of rnv research for the documentary in a museum:
The Superstition· Mountain Museum. It's full of information on the Lost Dutchman's Mine, including a whole collection of maps which are thought to show its location - not that that's been of any use to anyone! So far, anyway.
And I saw another exhibit on the mine in a museum in nearby Goldfield.
Now Goldfield was a prosperous mining town at the end of the nineteenth century, but when the gold ran out, everyone left and now it's a ghost town. It's become a popular tourist attraction as well, of course, with museums, rides and shows, but it's still quite impressive, nevertheless.
Now you may have seen a film that was made in 1949 about the Lost Dutchman's Mine entitled Lust for Gold,
starring Glenn Ford in the role of Jacob Waltz. But here's another piece of trivia for you: in 1960, actor Walter Brennan recorded a song on the subject called Dutchman's Gold. Now I bet you didn't know that, did you? ·
Well you do now, and we're going to play it to you right after the news.
To be honest, Walter Brennan talks his way through it rather than ...

Question No. /

The Superstition Mountains

While she was in the Superstition Mountains, Sally was able to (1) Sally does not recommend visiting the area in (2) Sally says the mountains were probably given their name by local (3) in the nineteenth century.

The owner of the lost gold mine was a (4) immigrant.

The mine owner died in (5) 1891.

It was estimated at one point that as many as (6) people every year tried to find the lost mine.

According to one clue, when the sun is (7) , it shines into the entrance of the mine.

The section on the mine in the Superstition Mountain Museum contains a collection of (8) .

Goldfield is now a (9) town, visited by many tourists.

Dutchman's Gold is the title of a (10) about the lost mine.

 2  Do you know any places with mysteries or legends attached to them?


give off
بو یا نور ساطع کردن
give away
بخشیدن چیزی یا پخش کردن اطلاعات
give up
تسلیم شدن یا ترک کردن
give out
فاش کردن
give it back
پس دادن
give in
رضایت دادن به درخواست
gave a broad smile
لبخند زدن
gave him a tender kiss
ماچ آبدار کردن
gave a deep sigh
یک آه عمیق کشیدن
gave her a blank look
نادیده گرفتن
give my best regards
سلام رسوندن
give full details
جزئیات دقیق دادن
gave a piercing scream
جیغ بنفش کشیدن
give great pleasure
لذت زیادی دادن
given a nasty shock
یک شوک بد وارد کردن
gives an impressive performance
یک اجرای تاثیر گذار داشتن
gave a lengthy speech
یک سخنرانی دراز کردن
drastic diets
رژیم غذایی سخت
intense coaching
مربی گری فشرده
turn to luck
روی حساب شانس گذاشتن
وجدان و آگاهی
boost your confidence
بالا بردن اعتماد به نفس
know deep down
با اعماق وجود دانستن
مراسم مذهبی
sense of security
حس امنیت
دیدنی و تماشایی
بعدی یا درحال انتشار و آمدن
به طور توصیف نشدنی
محو شدن و ناپدید شدن
نمایش دادن
پررونق و آباد
بی اهمیت

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