how to write an assay about earth issue

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Reading and Use of English 3

Part 2

Open cloze

1  You are going to read a text about World Carfree Day. What do you think happens on this day and why?

2  Read through the text quite quickly, ignoring the gaps. Compare what it says with your own ideas in exercise 1.


Question No. /

World Carfree Day

Each year, (0) on 22 September, people in over 1,500 cities in 40 countries celebrate World Carfree Day. (1) annual event aims to raise awareness of the problems caused by our dependence on private cars. Streets are closed to traffic and opened instead to street parties, theatre, bicycle demonstrations or outdoor cafes, in (2) to show people what their city might look like (3) there were fewer or no cars. Over one hundred million people are believed to take (4) in the celebrations, although this figure is difficult to verify.

The hope is that the initiative will encourage more environmentally friendly alternatives to the car, (5) as walking, cycling and public transport. (6) . with increasing global car production and a world which (7) grown used to the benefits of private transport, some say the battle is already lost. But even if we are unlikely to see cities (8) any cars at all, people may at least begin to change their habits and leave their car at home more often.

3 Read the text again and for questions 1-8, think of the word which best fits each gap.

Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETIERS.

What to expect in the exam

The Open doze task focuses mainly on grammar (see page 44). However, occasionally your knowledge of vocabulary may be tested (e.g. question 4 above).

Do people in your country celebrate World Carfree Day? If so, how successful is it?

How dependent are you and your family on the car?


Part 1


In your English class you have been talking about ways in which individuals can help the environment. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Write your essay in 140-190 words.

Essay question 

there is little that individuals can do to help the environment. Do you agree?


write about :

1 pollution

2  household waste

3............. (your own idea)

How to go about it

Plan what you are going to write and how you are going to express your ideas.

Use the Speaking task and Reading text on pages 146 and 147, as well as the Open cloze text above, to help you with ideas and useful language.

Listening 2

Part 1

Multiple choice  2.23-2.30

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For Questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C.

what to expect in the exam

In Unit 4, you saw how contrast linkers such as although, whereas and but, as well as other words and expressions, can be used to create distractors in listening exercises.

look at question 1 below, together with the script, and choose the best answer.

Which structure is used to create distractors? Which words help you to choose the answer?

I really can't understand why they put it all the way out there. They maintained that if they'd built it in the heart of the city,there would have been problems getting out to fires in the rural areas. Too far and too much traffic, they Said. But that's exactly why it would have made more sense to build it in the centre instead of on the edge. You know, it takes a fire engine nearly twenty minutes to get from that suburb to the other side of the city.

Question No. /

1 You hear a man talking about a new fire station that has just been built.

Where was it built?

Now do questions 2-8 below. In questions 2, 3 and 4 you will hear conditional sentences. These are used to create distractors as in question 1 above.

If I was a member of the Council, I'd make sure something was done about the mess on the streets. It's an absolute disgrace.Local people need more help to keep them clean, and that help has to come from the authorities. There aren't enough litter bins, for one thing, so the pavements outside my premises are covered with paper,drink cans and cigarette butts. Before I open up in the morning I have to spend about ten minutes sweeping it all up. I wouldn't sell anything if I didn't.

Question No. /

2 You hear a man talking about litter.

Who is the man?

You have to remember that some species of plants were facing extinction in the area. People would come out to the countryside for a picnic, see all these beautiful flowers and pick them, without realizing the effect this was having. If we hadn't made this a conservation area and limited the number of people coming in, then we'd have no flowers at all, and people would be really upset. As it is, we can congratulate ourselves on the action we took and look forward to a brighter future for this patch of countryside

Question No. /

3 You hear an environmentalist speaking on the radio about a recent project.

How does she feel?

So what was it like?
Marvellous. Just what we were looking for.

And what was that?

Well, if we'd gone to one of the other islands,
we'd have had to put up with busy roads and crowded beaches.
So weren't there many tourists where you went?

Oh plenty. More than we expected really.
But it didn't seem to matter, because with the vehicle restrictions there was almost a total lack of exhaust fumes, no congestion and very little noise. And because the island's so small, you could walk everywhere, anyway.

Question No. /

4 You overhear this woman talking to her friend about her holiday.

Why did she enjoy it?

I think we should all get together and decide what we're going to do. I can't put up with it any more.
Neither can we.
The noise of that boy's music makes the whole house shake. My husband says it's just like being in an earthquake, only worse.
Of course it's the parents' fault,
but it's no good talking to them. They're no better than he is.
And his teachers can't control him, either.
Apparently, he's as rude to them as he is to all of us.
So, let's have a meeting of all the residents in the street
and we'll decide how to deal with him.

Question No. /

5 You hear a conversation between two people.

What is the relationship between them?

Violent storms swept across the south coast today, causing widespread damage to property. Torrential rain and gale-force winds lashed seaside towns and several people had to be evacuated from their flooded homes by rescue services. One man in Bognor narrowly escaped death as the car he was driving was crushed by a falling tree, which had been struck by lightning.

Question No. /

6 You are listening to the radio when you hear the following being read.

What is it?

What's the problem, John?
Well, we lost a lot of our plants last night.

It wasn't our cat, was it?

No, the wind.
Pulled up all the roses, it did. Blew down a few bushes, too.
I'm sorry to hear that.

Oh, not to worry.
I'd be grateful if you'd give me a hand to clear up the mess, though.
I'd be pleased to.

Question No. /

7 You overhear this conversation between a man and his neighbour.

What is the man doing?

Something's got to be done. These massive petrol tankers should just not be allowed to sail so close to our shores. The oil slick has already killed thousands of birds and the beaches are a disaster area. Demonstrating is all very well, but it's not going to clean up the mess, is it? We can't leave it in the hands of the politicians,so we've just got to get down to the coast and get our hands dirty with the rest of the volunteers. You coming?

Question No. /

8 You hear a man talking about a recent environmental disaster.

What is he going to do?

raise awareness
افزایش آگاهی
بازبینی کردن
ابتکار عمل
از نظر محیطی
اشخاص حقیقی
an absolute disgrace
یک ننگ مطلق
cigarette butts
ته سیگار
a conservation area
یک منطقه حفاظت شده
brighter future
آینده روشن تر
this patch of
قطعه زمین
شگفت انگیز
put up with
تحمل کردن
vehicle restrictions
محدودیت های خودرو
exhaust fumes
دود اگزوز
no congestion
بدون ازدحام
بطور گسترده
damage to property
خسارت به اموال
torrential rain
باران سیل آسا
gale force winds
بادهای دارای سرعت زیاد
تخلیه شد
rescue services
خدمات نجات
خرد شده
struck by lightning
اصابت رعد و برق
give me a hand
کمک کردن
oil slick
نشت نفت
disaster area
منطقه فاجعه
نشان دادن

آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

اینجا کلیک کنید

ماژیک فسفری

با استفاده از ماژیک فسفری می توانید کلمات و بخش های مهم را برای خود علامت گذاری نمایید و هنگام پاسخ به آزمون از آنها استفاده کنید. برای از بین بردن بخش های رنگی دوباره روی آن کلیک نمایید.

دفترچه یادداشت

هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.