Part 4
Multiple choice 2.41
1 The following animals can all be kept as pets. Look at the list then discuss the questions below.
What dangers might there be in keeping these animals as pets?
What conditions do you think they each need to be kept in?
Why do you think some people prefer these animals to more traditional types of pets?
2 You will hear an interview with a pet shop owner. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
1 According to Sally what is the main reason people buy insects and spiders?
2 Sally says that ants can teach us the importance of
3 Sally says that some children
4 What is the main reason Sally gives for not handling the tarantulas she sells?
5 What warning does she give about snakes to potential owners?
6 Sally recommends feeding pre-killed animals to snakes because
7 What do we learn from Sally about rats as pets?
3 Do you think it's right to keep animals such as those mentioned in the listening as pets? Why/Why not?
Which pets have you owned? What advice would you give to someone thinking of buying the same animal?
If you have never owned a pet, which animal would you most like to have? Why?
Word formation: Suffixes -ible and -able
1 The suffixes -ible and -able are used to form a number of adjectives; -ibly and -ably are used for corresponding adverb forms. Can you remember what the underlined word refers to in each of the following examples from the listening?
a ..... can they be handled? It's not advisable.
b .. they're very flexible creatures.
c So inevitably some children start to grow tired of them.
d ... which can be bought frozen at reasonably little cost from pet stores.
2 Add an appropriate prefix and/or suffix to the part of the word in bold in the sentences below. The completed word may be an adjective, an adverb or a noun. Nouns may be singular or plural. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 This chair is a little uncomfortable . I'm going to sit somewhere else.
1 The weather here is predict : take an umbrella with you, just in case.
2 You can't touch your right elbow with your right hand. It's a physical poss .
3 I wouldn't say I was incredrich, but I'm certainly comfortwell-off.
4 The hotel management does not accept responsfor the loss of valu.
5 We'll have to walk to the village. It's accessto cars.
6 Her written work has improved considersince she started the course.
3 What for you would be the best and worst imaginable way to spend a Sunday?
Do any of the following describe your last weekend? What did you do?
unbelievably boring reasonably enjoyable remarkably good unforgettable
Language focus 2: Prepositions and gerunds
1 In Unit 2, you saw that if a verb follows a preposition, the gerund is used. Complete the gaps in these extracts from the listening with a preposition.
a Corn snakes and ball pythons ... can sometimes go for months eating.
b But a bite from the species we sell is rather being stung by a bee.
c ... you don't have to worry finding someone to feed them while you're away.
2 Gerunds are also used after phrasal verbs which end in a preposition.
An increasing number of animal-lovers ... have taken to keeping them as pets.
If the subject of the gerund is different to the subject of the phrasal verb, a noun or an object pronoun is added.
I can't put up with you and Alex arguing all the time.
In 1-5 complete each gap with a preposition.
1 I'm looking forward Sam coming tomorrow: she's bringing her new puppy.
2 I've just been made redundant, so we'll have to putbuying a horse for a while.
3 Raul isn't ready for a new pet yet he still hasn't gothis cat dying last year.
4 We've giventrying to teach our dog to do tricks; she's just not interested.
5 My sister always manages to get outcleaning the hamster's cage; I'm usually the one that has to do it.
3 A number of linking words also function as prepositions, and can be followed by gerunds.
Besides being more humane for the mice and rats and so on, it's also safer for the snakes.
David got to the interview on time, despite the bus breaking down on the way.
Read more about Prepositions with gerunds on pages 220-1 of the Grammar reference.
4 In 1-4, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given.
1 Paul eats lots of fried food, even though he knows it's very bad for his health.
Paul eats lots of fried food, despite it is for him.
2 Although I threw away a lot of my old clothes, I still don't have much room in my wardrobe.
In spite a lot of my old clothes, I still don't have much room in my wardrobe.
3 I decided not to drive to work, and went there by bus.
I decided to get the bus to work there.
4 Sven missed the meeting because his flight was delayed by three hours.
Sven missed the meeting as a delayed by three hours.
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