week forty 1100 words

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WEEK 40  DAY 1









There are few forms of entertainment more enjoyable than watching a glib* politician run for office. Most politicians have prepared speeches dealing with the prevalent* topics of the day. They can maintain a fervid* flow of rhetoric for hours at a time. In each locality where he is to appear, the advance work is prepared by a clique of trustworthy aides. In preparation for the show, they have dispersed* leaflets, put up posters, and sent out cars and trucks with loudspeakers to extol the erudite* qualities of their candidate. Soon, the crowd gathers. Loyal party workers come forward to shake the hand of their mentor. Now, with the facile solutions to complex problems carefully memorized, the show is ready to begin. One moment facetious,* the next moment profound.* the candidate works to convince the Incredulous* among the voters.

Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences.

Question No. /
  1. It is not long before a young star has a around him who sporadically* get their names into the newspapers.
  2. At a time that requires tangible* proposals, all he offers is unconscionable* .
  3. The detective Interrogated* the adamant* prisoner in such a way that he confessed after giving Incontrovertible* evidence.
  4. Youngsters scoff* when their elders the halcyon* days of long ago.
  5. Amidst the adulation* of the throng,* the film star, in all humility.* credited her as the one most responsible.

Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

Question No. /

Find the correct word.

rhetoric facile clique mentor extol
easily accomplished or attained
counselor, coach, tutor
small, exclusive group of people
use (sometimes exaggerated) of language
praise highly


To Jive in a fool's paradise-to be happy without a real basis

He lived in a fool's paradise while he sowed wild

Oats*, but he soon had to pay the piper.*



WEEK 40  DAY 2









The television press interview is conducive* to close scrutiny* of a candidate. His public speeches may contain many cant phrases, but a sharp question by an astute* reporter can destroy a cliche* filled statement. The politician now will procrastinate* in his answer; a new facet* of his personality may be revealed by his demeanor.* Perhaps he will take umbrage at a suggestion that he favors the affluent.* His record is searched for evidence that he has been equally magnanimous to the Indlgent.* He accuses the reporter of attempting to vilify him. Is he being accused of turpitude* in office? It is time to discreetly* go on to another topic. The candidate wishes to extol* the virtues of his program and record. The press wants to allude* to things that keep him in the midst of controversy. They insist that he elucidate positions that the politician would rather leave in a nebulous* state.

Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences.

Question No. /
  1. We feel so sanctimonious* when we the character of a felon*.
  2. The diplomat was astute* enough to see through the of the Machiavellian* ambassador.
  3. A somber* examination of those indigent* families, bereft* of hope, sunken in apathy,* should motivate* us to be more in our attempts to improve their lot.
  4. I was flabbergasted* when he took at my whimsical* remarks.
  5. The judge ordered the censor to his reasons for removing passages from the book in such a capricious* manner.

Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

Question No. /

Find the correct word.

magnanimous umbrage cant elucidate vilify
generous, noble
resentment, offense
malign,* slander
resentment, offense
insincere or almost meaningless talk


the sum and substance-the heart or substantial part

The sum and substance of our pyrrhic victory* was that

our hopes for a stable future had gone up in smoke.*



WEEK 40  DAY 3









While we are all cognizant* of the importance of words to create certain impressions. Gesture is relegated* to a much lesser role. Gestures are an important concomitant* to even the most vapid speech. Enhancing it and giving the hearer something to look at while he listens. The value of seeing at the same time as listening was shown when a class at a university. Unwieldy because of its large size. Was split up. One group was put into a room in close proximity to good loudspeakers. Every nuance* of the lecturer's voice could be heard clearly. Because they had no person on whom to place their attention. They soon took on the appearance of extreme lassitude; most students became lethargic* and rested their heads on their desks. The separation of visual and aural communication tended to vitiate the learning process. The listening group received grades lower than those received by those who could look at as well as hear the instructor.

Once more your keen eye and memory were being tested. Did you recognize lassitude as being from an earlier lesson?

Sample Sentences Insert the new words in these sentences.

Question No. /
  1. As the scion* of an affluent* family, he was often in to opulence.*
  2. After playing with his progeny* in the enervating* sun, he staggered back to his room where he was overcome with .
  3. As a concomitant* to his belligerent* and vituperative* antipathy* toward his government, he became an expatriate.* but he found it a life.
  4. Kyra was so disgruntled* about having to move the piano. She procrastinated* for days.
  5. The Irrelevant* evidence seemed to the prosecutor's case and precluded* a conviction.

Definitions Match the new words with their definitions.

Question No. /

Find the correct word.

proximity lassitude unwieldy vitiate vapid
destroy the use or value
weariness, weakness
bulky, difficult to handle
uninteresting, dull


On pins and needles-to be on edge, jumpy

He was on pins and needles while he cooled his heels* in the principal's office.



WEEK 40  DAY 4









Actors depend upon their ability to gesticulate* almost as much as upon speech to obtain their desired histrionic* effects. With them, gesture serves much more than merely to augment speech. When their communication is by gesture alone, it is called pantomime. In the early silent motion picture period, gestures were flamboyant,* to show that he was distraught* about the danger in which the heroine had been placed, the hero would go through the most fatuous actions. He would stagger, beat his breast, tear his hair, and contort his face into the most doleful* appearance. There weren't many simple or restrained gestures in his repertoire. The heroine, to Indicate her love, would fling her arms wide and ardently* jump into her sweetheart's arms. It was only much later that actors became skilled enough to communicate with the audience through discreet* gestures and almost imperceptible changes in facial expression that could transmit nuances* of emotion.

Sample Sentences Insert the new words In these sentences.

Question No. /
  1. The new employee wanted to gain favor with his boss, and his obsequious* desires led to the most behavior.
  2. Her virtuosity* was demonstrated by the works she performed from her .
  3. He had always appeared virile,* so that the decline toward senility* went unnoticed until he succumbed* and began to use a cane.
  4. The paroxysm* of coughing served to her body until she could gain a respite.*
  5. The parsimonious* octogenarian* sought to his wealth by removing It from Its cache* and placing It In a bank.

Definitions Match the new words with their deflnitlons.

Question No. /

Find the correct word.

contort augment Imperceptible repertoire fatuous
twist violently
extremely slight or gradual
enlarge, Increase
works that an artist Is ready to perform
foolish, silly, Inane*


to have at one`s fingertips-to have thorough knowledge, to have ready

He had at his fingertips an extensive repertoire.*



WEEK 40  DAY 5



If there's one thing a politician must know how to do, it is to use words effectively. He must weigh carefully each and every utterance. He must also select the proper word for the audience he is addressing. You may never run for office, but it would be comforting to know you were ready for it-vocabulary-wise!


Question No. /

Find the definitions of the words.

imperceptible augment lassitude elucidate cant fatuous clique facile contort extol
extremely slight or gradual
twist violently
easily accomplished or attained
increase, enlarge
to make clear
praise highly
insincere or almost meaningless talk
weakness, weariness
inane.* foolish, silly
small, exclusive group of people

Question No. /

Find the definitions of the words.

magnanimous umbrage repertoire proximity rhetoric mentor unwieldy vilify vapid vitiate
dull, uninteresting
noble, generous
works that an artist is ready to perform
destroy the use or value
offense, resentment
difficult to handle, bulky
slander, malign*
tutor, counselor, coach
use (sometimes exaggerated) of language

Question No. /

Find the idioms of the words.

on pins and needles to have at one's fingertips to live in a fool's paradise the sum and substance
the heart or substantial part
to be happy without a real basis
to be on edge, jumpy
to have ready, to have a thorough knowledge

سایه شاخ و برگ
بدنام کردن
روشن کردن
بی روح
خراب کردن
تقویت کردن
بی شعور
کج کردن
غیر قابل مشاهده

آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

اینجا کلیک کنید

ماژیک فسفری

با استفاده از ماژیک فسفری می توانید کلمات و بخش های مهم را برای خود علامت گذاری نمایید و هنگام پاسخ به آزمون از آنها استفاده کنید. برای از بین بردن بخش های رنگی دوباره روی آن کلیک نمایید.

دفترچه یادداشت

هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.