آزمون دی ماه 97 ept

آزمون ای پی تی دی 97 همراه با سوال تشریحی
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Section One: Vocabulary
Read each statement below carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the best answer
(1, 2, 3, 4).

Question No. /

1. He has to work hard in order to ……… his family.

Question No. /

2. We ……… that the moon goes around the earth.

Question No. /

3. I hurt my ankle and I can’t ……… on it.

Question No. /

4. Urgent business ……… her from coming.

Question No. /

5. Swimming is not ……… in this river.

Question No. /

6. You must be more careful to ......... making a mistake.

Question No. /

7. You should help your mother ……… the living room.

Question No. /

8. Many cities were ……… by bombs.

Question No. /

9. The Normans ……… England in 1066.

Question No. /

10. The Mona Lisa is probably the most famous painting ever ……… .

Question No. /

11. How did you ……… your vacation?

Question No. /

12. What has ……… you here so early?

Question No. /

13. I wonder when this building was ……….

Question No. /

14. Tom didn’t ……… Mary was unhappy.

Question No. /

15. We ……… a new house for eighty thousand dollars.

Question No. /

16. We will ……… what is true and what is false.

Question No. /

17. Making good grades ……… studying hard.

Question No. /

18. William was ……… that he couldn’t get into Harvard.

Question No. /

19. Someone needs to tell Jane what’s ……… of her.

Question No. /

20. I never ……… I would live in such a nice place.

Question No. /

21. Students generally like a teacher who ……… their problems.

Question No. /

22. As soon as we got there, it ……… to rain.

Question No. /

23. Bill was reading your paper last night, but I don’t know if he ……… it.

Question No. /

24. Tom says he can’t ......... the noise any longer.

Question No. /

25. I .......... English, French, and Chinese.


Section Two: Structure Part One
Choose the answer which best completes the following sentences.

Question No. /

26. Their work is hybrid ......... it merges with other cultural forms such as oral
traditions and myths.

Question No. /

27. Many Americans ............... the term liberal an insult or even synonymous
with communism.

Question No. /

28. We crossed the stream ......... carefully from stone to stone.

Question No. /

29. Two types of trees ........... in these forests are the famous redwoods and

Question No. /

30. I really want to see either Key West ......... the Everglades when we go to
Florida next summer.

Question No. /

31. Millions of people became sick and died as the disease ......... from Sicily
across Europe.

Question No. /

32. Baikal is ......... lake in the world with a maximum depth of 1,642 m.

Question No. /

33. Many people are able to swim, hike, cycle, and canoe in spite of .........

Question No. /

34. Sylvia Porter wrote several books about how to earn money and how to
spend it, ......... it, and save it.

Question No. /

35. The main character in many of Agatha Christie’s mystery novels ......... the
detective Hercule Poirot.

Question No. /

36. Some reptiles like a dry climate; ......... prefer a wet climate.

Question No. /

37. Before ......... of polyester and other synthetic materials, life jackets were
made of cork.

Question No. /

38. The explorers, ......... their way through the ruins, discovered a sack of old
Spanish gold coins.

Question No. /

39. The city was destroyed long ago, but the remaining traces of it show how
huge it ......... .

Question No. /

40. Like many insects, dragonflies have barely changed ......... they first evolved.

Question No. /

41. Each one of us brought ......... the sale.

Question No. /

42. The soldier’s hand was ......... warm and soft.

Question No. /

43. This huge stream of data ......... between hundreds of radio channels.

Question No. /

44. Even though there are only three facts listed above, the sample is ........ to
support the claim.

Question No. /

45. Up until then, she had been physically active swimming ........., riding
horses, and playing tennis.

Question No. /

46. Rachel Carson, a biologists and writer, ....... the book Silent Spring in 1962.

Question No. /

47. The papers, .........., were found at the bottom of the file cabinet.

Question No. /

48. These are just a few of the many questions that ........ about the book in the
century and a half.

Question No. /

49. Nationally, ........ spend at least a week in consultation with off-campus
private clients.

Question No. /

50. Travelers should choose the ......... method of transportation that meets
their business needs.

Question No. /

51. One of his books, Lasting Echoes, ......... the history of American Indians.

Question No. /

52. Taking care of your bicycle is the best way ......... lust longer.

Question No. /

53. The judgment shall state the reasons ......... it is based.

Question No. /

54. It has been possible to produce a textbook ......... an extremely rich source
of information on the issue.

Question No. /

55. Some bacteria have fine hairs that enable ......... stick to surfaces.


Section Two: Structure Part Two
In each of the following sets of sentences, three sentences are grammatically correct and one sentence is not grammatical. Identify the incorrect sentence and your answer sheet.

Question No. /

56. Choose the incorrect sentence.

Question No. /

57.Choose the incorrect sentence.

Question No. /

58. Choose the incorrect sentence.

Question No. /

59. Choose the incorrect sentence.

Question No. /

60.Choose the incorrect sentence.

Question No. /

61. Choose the incorrect sentence.

Question No. /

62. Choose the incorrect sentence.

Question No. /

63. Choose the incorrect sentence.

Question No. /

64. Choose the incorrect sentence.

Question No. /

65. Choose the incorrect sentence.


Section Three: Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read the passages and choose the one best answer, (1), (2), (3) or (4), for each question.
Passage 1
Mountain climbing is a sport enjoyed around the world. It can range from  simple trail hiking to more difficult rock and ice climbing. Professional climbers prefer folded mountains. These are some of the world’s tallest mountains. The Himalayas are folded mountains. They contain all but one of the 14 tallest mountains on Earth. Fault-block Mountains often have high cliffs. This provides climbers with special challenges. Volcanic mountains tend to be easier to climb. However, they attract climbers of all skill levels because of their unique lands and beautiful scenery.

Question No. /

66. According to the passage, the majority of the world’s tallest mountains
……..........................… .

Question No. /

67. Professional climbers may be attracted to volcanic mountains ………….. .

Question No. /

68. It can be inferred from the passage that a beginner climber will start with
……...............…… .

Question No. /

69. The word “their” in line 7 refers to .............. .

Question No. /

70. The passage mainly discusses …..........................…….. .


Passage 2
One day in 1870, a young Kansas man opened his lunch and began to eat it. His lunch had been wrapped in a newspaper, and while he ate, he read an article in the paper about an unusual serene lake in Oregon. The man, William Steel, moved to Oregon, two years later, but it was 13 years before he was able to see the lake. He was amazed by its beauty and immediately went to work to help survey, map, and protect the area.
His dreams for the Crater Lake preservation came true on May 22, 1902, when Crater Lake became a national park.

Question No. /

71. According to the passage, William Steel first visited the Lake in …...……… .

Question No. /

72. The word “its” in line 5 refers to ………........… .

Question No. /

73. All of the following are mentioned as characteristics of Crater Lake EXCEPT
……......….. .

Question No. /

74. The author’s purpose in using “Crater Lake became a national park” is to
show that …..................................……. .

Question No. /

75. The word “wrapped” in line 2 is closest in in meaning to …...…… .


Passage 3
Farmers that live in tropical areas clear the land to farm and to sell the valuable wood. After a few years, the crops use up the nutrients in the soil, and the farmers must clear more land. As a result, tropical rainforest habitats are
being destroyed. Through education, people are realizing the value and potential value of preserving the species of the rainforest. In some areas, logging is prohibited. In other areas, farmers are taught new methods of farming so they do not have to clear rainforest lands continually.

Question No. /

76. According to the passage, farmers need to clear more land because ……… .

Question No. /

77. Rainforest lands are being destroyed because ……...............… .

Question No. /

78. The word “logging” in line 5 is closest in meaning to .......... .

Question No. /

79. All of the following are mentioned as measures taken to protect rainforests
EXCEPT ……… .

Question No. /

80. The passage mainly discusses ....................... .


Passage 4
West African kingdoms began to grow through trade. As trading centers expanded, so did the need for control of trade. As West African societies developed complex trade systems, some powerful individuals called kings gained
control of this system. Many people were loyal to the king because he kept trade running smoothly. In addition, kings often played an important role in the religious life of the people. By performing the proper prayers and rituals, kings were expected to help bring rain, to make the land fertile, and to bring prosperity to their people.

Question No. /

81. According to the passage, trade in West Africa was mainly .......... .

Question No. /

82. The main function of religious rituals in West Africa was to .............. .

Question No. /

83. The word “prosperity” in line 7 is closest in meaning .......... .

Question No. /

84. The word “their” in line 8 refers to .......... .

Question No. /

85. The passage mainly discusses .............................. .


Section Four: Cloze Passage
Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate choice.

The Iguazu Falls annually receive more than one million tourists, being recognized worldwide for beauty. Located within the lguassu National Park, on the border ...(86)... Brazil and Argentina, it has a qualified structure for ...(87)...
tourists, with a visitors center, hotel, restaurant, shops, and a hiking trail to ...(88)... the falls. There are two options to ...(89) ... the Iguazu Falls: the Brazilian side ...(90)... the Argentinean side. ...(91)... are separated tours, and for ...(92)... one you ...(93)... to pay a ticket, ...(94)... worth the price, since they are ...(95)… with different perspectives. The access to Iguazu Falls ...(96)… Argentina is done through the Argentinean Iguazu National Park. In ...(97)… case, it is necessary to enter the country …(98)... the Customs. On the Brazilian side, the tour ...(99)… two to four hours, …(100)… with the bus ride, leaving the Visitors Center to the trailhead.

Question No. /

86.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

87. Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

88. Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

89. Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

90.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

91. Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

92.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

93. Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

94. Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

95. Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

96. Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

97. Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

98. Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

99.Choose the correct answer.

Question No. /

100. Choose the correct answer.

آغاز دوره های آنلاین آموزش زبان توسط استاد خصوصی

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برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.