تعیین سطح ریدینگ آنلاین

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تعیین سطح ریدینگ

سوال 1 تا 6: متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوالات پاسخ دهید.

Write True or False in the gap.

passage one

Thomas Edison, an inventor and businessman, was born in Ohio in 1847. At 13, he was an excellent salesperson selling candy and newspapers to train passengers. Later, he was the inventor of the incandescent light bulb, a movie camera, and the phonograph. Edison was also the owner of many companies, and some of them are in business today, e.g., General Electric. He was the loving husband of two wives-Mary Stillwell (1855-1884) and Mina Miller (1865-1947)-and the father of six children.

Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles, California in 1926. When she was a child, her life was very hard. Her mother was sick, and her father wasn't there very much. Marilyn was a factory worker and a model before she was an actress. Marilyn's three husbands were very important to her during her life. Her first husband was a sailor, the second was a famous baseball player, Joe DiMaggio, and the last was a famous writer, Arthur Miller.

Question No. /

passage 1

سوال 1 تا 6: متن زیر را بخوانید و به سوالات پاسخ دهید.

Write True or False in the gap.

Thomas Edison, an inventor and businessman, was born in Ohio in 1847. At 13, he was an excellent salesperson selling candy and newspapers to train passengers. Later, he was the inventor of the incandescent light bulb, a movie camera, and the phonograph. Edison was also the owner of many companies, and some of them are in business today, e.g., General Electric. He was the loving husband of two wives-Mary Stillwell (1855-1884) and Mina Miller (1865-1947)-and the father of six children.

Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles, California in 1926. When she was a child, her life was very hard. Her mother was sick, and her father wasn't there very much. Marilyn was a factory worker and a model before she was an actress. Marilyn's three husbands were very important to her during her life. Her first husband was a sailor, the second was a famous baseball player, Joe DiMaggio, and the last was a famous writer, Arthur Miller.

Thomas Edison was a salesperson before he become an inventor.

2- General Electric belonged to Thomas Edison.

3- Thomas Edison Got married once.

4- Marilyn Monroe’s mother was a healthy woman.

5- Marilyn Monroe got married three times.

6- Marilyn Monroe’s first husband was a sport man.

سوال 7 تا 10: در متن زیر سه مشکل نوشته شده است و چهار راه حل برای مشکل ها طرح شده است. راه حل ها را به متون وصل کنید.

Write A, B, C in the gap.

Passage two

Are you a man who finds it difficult to talk about feelings and problems with your friends and family?

Problem A:

Three weeks ago, I asked my girlfriend to marry me - we have been together for 18 months. It was an impulse, but now I am having second thoughts. I am deeply in love with her, but is this too soon? Please help.

Problem B:

My wife is running her first marathon in Orlando, Florida, and she really wants me to go and watch her. However, there is a business conference in New York the same weekend, and my boss would like me to attend. What should I do?

Problem C:

My wife wants us to spend two weeks in Cape Cod, Massachusetts in the summer with her family, but I find her father really difficult to get along with. Should I go and risk having arguments all the time or should I suggest separate vacations this year?

Question No. /

Passage 2

سوال 7 تا 10: در متن زیر سه مشکل نوشته شده است و چهار راه حل برای مشکل ها طرح شده است. راه حل ها را به متون وصل کنید.

Write A, B, C in the gap.

Are you a man who finds it difficult to talk about feelings and problems with your friends and family?

Problem A:

Three weeks ago, I asked my girlfriend to marry me - we have been together for 18 months. It was an impulse, but now I am having second thoughts. I am deeply in love with her, but is this too soon? Please help.

Problem B:

My wife is running her first marathon in Orlando, Florida, and she really wants me to go and watch her. However, there is a business conference in New York the same weekend, and my boss would like me to attend. What should I do?

Problem C:

My wife wants us to spend two weeks in Cape Cod, Massachusetts in the summer with her family, but I find her father really difficult to get along with. Should I go and risk having arguments all the time or should I suggest separate vacations this year?


1- This seems like an easy one - go, but try to avoid him where possible, and if you can't avoid him, then just smile and don't get into a conversation.

2- In my opinion, I don't think it's worth making problems at work. Why don't you suggest that she asks a friend or a family member to go with her instead?

3- You should tell your wife how you feel. Be polite and, above all, be honest. You do not have to like her father. If he really is difficult, everyone else will already know.

4- You shouldn't do anything in a hurry. Set a date 18 months from now which will give you time to be sure you're doing the right thing. And don't plan too much. If you start booking restaurants and getting clothes for the big day, it will make things worse if you then change your mind.


سوال 11 تا 16: در متن زیر روش صحیح شکایت کردن نوشته شده است. هر پاراگراف را بخوانید و برای آن یکی از تاپیک ها را انتخاب کنید.

Write A, B, C,D, E and F in the gap.

Passage three








Question No. /

passage 3

سوال 11 تا 16: در متن زیر روش صحیح شکایت کردن نوشته شده است. هر پاراگراف را بخوانید و برای آن یکی از تاپیک ها را انتخاب کنید.

Write A, B, C,D, E and F in the gap.







How to complain successfully:

Clive's top tips


Never shout and swear - it achieves nothing. Don't spoil your meal or your vacation by getting into an argument with a waiter or customer service call center operator. Make a mental note of the circumstances and write a letter later.


Don't send emails, or standard, printed out complaint’s forms. Companies may not read these, but they probably will read a letter. And unless you are particularly fond of Vivaldi, don't waste your time calling a customer complaint line! Your letter should be short and to the point, and should fit on one side of an 8 1/2" by 11" sheet of paper. And type it. Reading other people's handwriting is hard work.


Write to the company's marketing director or finance director because they're probably the least busy. Find his or her name on the Internet or by calling. Writing Dear Sir/ Madam is lazy. Taking the time to find a person's name and title shows initiative.


If your complaint is serious enough, make it clear you will not hesitate to change to another bank/ cell phone company. Smart companies know that changing an angry customer into a satisfied one will make the customer more loyal.


Don't say exactly what you expect to receive as compensation. Leave it to the company.


Use phrases like "I can only imagine this is an unusual departure from your usual high standards," and "I would love to shop with you again if you can demonstrate to me that you are still as good as I know you used to be."

سوال 17 تا 20: اولین جمله ی هر پاراگراف را پیدا کنید.

Write A, B, C, D and E in the gap.

Passage four

A Another problem for cyberchondriacs is that online medical information may be from an unreliable source or be out of date.

B Sadly, the problem with Dr. Google is that he isn't exactly a comfort in times of crisis.

C The Microsoft study also revealed another serious problem - that online information often doesn't discriminate between common and very rare conditions.

D Unfortunately, once you have it, cyberchondria can be hard to cure.

E Four hours later, I got a diagnosis.

Question No. /

passage 4

سوال 17 تا 20: اولین جمله ی هر پاراگراف را پیدا کنید.

Write A, B, C, D and E in the gap

A Another problem for cyberchondriacs is that online medical information may be from an unreliable source or be out of date.

B Sadly, the problem with Dr. Google is that he isn't exactly a comfort in times of crisis.

C The Microsoft study also revealed another serious problem - that online information often doesn't discriminate between common and very rare conditions.

D Unfortunately, once you have it, cyberchondria can be hard to cure.

E Four hours later, I got a diagnosis.

CONFESSIONS OF A cyberchondriac

A few weeks ago I was feeling under the weather. After days of intensive Internet diagnosis, I finally went to see my GP. After examining me, she told me that my heart rate was a little fast and sent me off to the ER to have some tests done. Did I go straight there? Of course not. First I took out my phone, logged on to Google, and found out that the technical term for a fast heart rate is supraventricular tachycardia. Then I typed these two words into Google.

For example, wrongdiagtiosis.com immediately scared me with a list of 407 possible causes. I raced to the hospital, convinced that I probably needed open-heart surgery.

I had a chest infection ... and a bad case of cyberchondria. The only consolation for the latter condition is that I'm in good company. A Microsoft survey of one million Internet users last year found that 2 percent of all searches were health related.

Since my trip to the hospital, I have been obsessively checking my pulse, swapping symptoms in chatrooms, and reading all about worst-case scenarios. What if the doctors got it wrong? What if the EKG machine was faulty? It's exhausting trying to convince yourself that you might have a life-threatening illness.

One in four of all articles thrown up by an Internet search for "headache" suggested a brain tumor as a possible cause. Although it is true that this may be the cause, in fact, brain tumors develop in fewer than one in 50,000 people. People also assume that the first answers that come up in searches refer to the most common causes, so if you type in 'mouth ulcer" and see that "mouth cancer" has several mentions near the top, you think that it must be very common. However, this is not the case at all.

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هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.