12 Looking after yourself
Vocabulary 1: Food and drink
1 Work out the meanings of the words and expressions in bold in the following sentences.
1 Are you a fussy eater or do you tend to eat all types of food?
2 Do you always eat everything up or do you sometimes leave food on your plate?
3 Do you chew your food several times before you swallow it, or do you tend to bolt it down quickly?
4 Which drinks, if any, do you usually sip slowly? When, if ever, do you gulp down your drink quickly?
5 When buying or ordering a soft drink, do you prefer still drinks like orange juice or fizzy drinks like lemonade?
6 Do you often drink straight from a bottle or a can, or do you usually drink from a glass?
2 Discuss the questions in exercise 1 with your partner. Give as much information as possible.
Language focus 1: Countable and uncountable nouns A
1 The word plate is usually countable: we can say a plate, two plates, three plates and so on.
The word bread is usually uncountable: we say bread or some bread, rather than a bread or two breads.
Decide which of the following words are countable, and which are uncountable. Some of them can be both countable and uncountable. How does this affect the meaning?
milk diet chicken health chip
chocolate meal pepper spaghetti cake
2 The word bread can be made countable by saying a loaf of bread or two slices of bread. Write the following uncountable nouns next to an appropriate phrase to make them countable. Some of the nouns can be used with more than one phrase.
sugar cake cheese jam spaghetti salt milk toast chocolate
1 a piece of
2 a slice of
3 a plate of
4 a teaspoonful of
5 a pinch of
6 a bar of
7 a jar of
8 a carton of
See pages 218-19 of the Grammar reference.
Listening 1
Part 3
Multiple matching 2.31-2.35
1 How effective do you think diets are? What are the dangers? 2 You will hear five people talking about food and dieting. For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-H what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
A I never leave anything on my plate.
B I found one form of dieting too expensive.
C I used to feel under pressure to lose weight.
D I have never been on a diet.
E I had to change my eating habits.
F I do not follow all the advice I am given.
G I pay regular visits to my doctor.
H I follow the advice given in books.
3 The last woman said: We are constantly under attack from advertising and the media, who tell us that 'thin is beautiful'.
To what extent is this the case in your country?
Don't forget!
Underline the key words in each of the eight options. This helps you to focus on what to listen for.
Listen carefully both times to everything each speaker says before you make your final decision.
Language focus 2: Countable and uncountable nouns B
1 Why does the woman say 'Just a few' and not 'Just a little'?
2 The following sentences are all from the recording. Complete each of the spaces with one of the words from the box. Some words will be used more than once and more than one answer may be possible for each space.
little few much many some any no
deal number piece lot plenty several
Speaker 1
You drink nothing but lemonade with a) salt and pepper for about seven days without b) food.
I wasn't earning a great c) of money and I simply couldn't afford to keep it up.
Speaker 2
I used to eat a d) of junk food.
I ate very e) fresh food, and this had a serious effect on my health.
And now if I get hungry between meals, I have a f) cheese or g) nuts, just to keep me going.
Speaker 3
When I want to treat myself I have a h) of cake or a i) biscuits.
As long as you eat sweet things after a meal, then there's j) problem.
I only ever eat chocolates after lunch or dinner. And never too k) of course - just one or two.
Speaker 4
A sensible, balanced diet I) of fresh fruit and vegetables ..... m) glasses of water a day - and n) snacks between meals.
Speaker 5
A large o) of people follow diets, but very p) of them are happier as a result.
I don't pay q) attention to what others think or say.
3 2.31-2.35 Now listen to the recording again and compare your answers.
ماژیک فسفری
با استفاده از ماژیک فسفری می توانید کلمات و بخش های مهم را برای خود علامت گذاری نمایید و هنگام پاسخ به آزمون از آنها استفاده کنید. برای از بین بردن بخش های رنگی دوباره روی آن کلیک نمایید.
دفترچه یادداشت
هر تعدادی که دوست دارید دفترچه یادداشت ایجاد کنید و نکات مهم را در آن بنویسید.
برای استفاده از دفترچه یادداشت بر روی قسمتی از درس یا آزمون که می خواهید در آنجا نکته ی مهمی را قرار دهید کلیک نمایید.سپس در آن قسمت یک دفترچه یادداشت جدید ایجاد میشود و با کلیک بر روی آن می توانید بازش کنید و نکته های مهم را بنویسید.