causative passive with have and get

آموزش نوشتن مقاله در آزمون اف سی ای درباره ی افراد تاثیر گذار
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Listening 2

Part 1

 Multiple choice  1.37-1.44

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, (A, B or C).

I always got on very well with my mother. I felt I could turn to her for advice, share confidences with her, because she understood my problems. With my father it was different. I found it difficult to talk to him, and when we did speak, you could feel the tension between us. I think it was partly because I take after him so much - I inherited my lack of confidence from him for one thing - and I blamed him for my own weaknesses.

Question No. /

1 You hear a woman on the radio talking about her father.

What does she say about her father?

After the first lesson we all thought he was a bit mad. But he was just different. Most of the other teachers in the school were really serious and uninspiring. They'd speak, we'd take notes and that was about it. It was deadly dull. But Hilton-Dennis would jump around the room, waving his arms about and jabbering away in Italian at us. He seemed to really enjoy what he was doing, and I took to him almost straight away. He managed to communicate his passion for the subject and he got a lot of people interested in learning the language.

Question No. /

2 You overhear a man talking about a former teacher.

What does the man say about the teacher?

I'm going to have to have a word with Simon again. If it's not one thing, it's another.
Is Simon the scruffy one?

Yes, he is.
That's not what worries me, though. He doesn't have any contact with the public, so I don't mind what he looks like.
So has he been rude again?

No, we managed to sort that one out.

I took him aside just before Christmas and had a long talk with him.
He's been quite pleasant since then. But I need reliable people who tum up on time and he's been late for work three times this last fortnight. I'm beginning to regret taking him on.

Question No. /

3 You hear a woman complaining about one of her employees.

What is she complaining about?

Unfortunately, there's not always a direct relationship between hard work and good performance at school. Think how demotivating it must be for a young person to spend hours on homework and then get low marks for their trouble. Something like that can seriously affect their self-esteem and their confidence. So they may look for other ways to feel good about themselves. Let's imagine they come to you and say they want to have their nose pierced or get a tattoo done. Would you let them? Maybe not, but perhaps you should at least consider their motives for wanting to do so.

Question No. /

4 You hear part of a radio programme in which a man is giving advice.

Who is he giving advice to?

We're getting rid of anything we don't need before we move. We've got so much rubbish in our house, and there's not a lot of room in the new flat ... Well, there are Hannah's old babv clothes, for a start. I've held on to them for years, just in case Hannah started a family of her own. But it doesn't look as if that's going to happen now ... No, I haven't got the heart to put them in the bin, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to buy them. Can you? ... Well, I'll probably take them round to Marina's. She knows lots of young mothers - I'm sure one of them will be delighted to have them.

Question No. /

5 You overhear a woman talking on the phone about some clothes.

What docs the woman want to do with the clothes?

It's a lovely photo. She looks so relaxed and cheerful - as if she's really enjoying it all.
Yeah, it's my mum's favourite.
She's had it framed and it's up on the wall in her living room. She was starting to think she might never see her daughter in a wedding dress, so it's got pride of place above the telly.Lucy doesn't like it though.
Why not?

She says you can see all her wrinkles.
She's a bit sensitive about her age.
Oh dear. So, anyway,
do you think there'll be a photo of you above your mum's telly one day? Little brother in a wedding suit?
Don't you start!

Question No. /

6 You hear a man and a woman talking about a person in a photograph.

Who is the person in the photograph?

So how are the new neighbours?
Well, I must say I'm quite pleased so far.
It's early days, of course - they've only been there for a couple of weeks. But thev do seem better than the last ones. All those weekend parties. Such an unpleasant family.
Have you invited them round yet?

Well, no, I haven't had a chance.
You see, they've asked me to go to their house on two occasions already - and one of those was for lunch.
That's very sociable of them.

Yes, it is, isn't it?
As I say, I'm rather pleased. They've even offered to come and cut my grass for me.

Question No. /

7 You hear an elderly woman talking to a man about her new neighbours.

What does she like about them?

People are surprised when I mention him as an influence. He played Blues Rock and my music's always in the New Age section. I suppose if he'd moved into Progressive Rock, there might have been some similarity. But he hated all that stuff, and probably would have hated what I do, too. And OK, I have the same kind of knee-length hair, but his was a fashion statement - mine's there because I can't be bothered to get it cut. No, it's the atmosphere he created on stage that I'm referring to - moody, some people call it. Soulful. No moving around - just let the guitar do the talking.

Question No. /

8 You hear a man talking on the radio about a musician who influenced him

What was it about the musician that influenced him?


Language focus 3: Causative passive with have and get

Question No. /

1a Complete each gap in the following sentences from the listening with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Extract 4: ... they want to have their nose (pierce) or get a tattoo (do).

Extract 6: She's had it (frame) and it's up on the wall in her living room


Check your answers in the relevant extracts of the listening script on page 227. What form of the verb does each of your answers have?

In 1 and 2 explain the difference in meaning between the two sentences a and b.

1 a He's repaired the car.         He's had the car repaired.

2 a  He cut his hair.                   b  He got his hair cut.

Read more about causative passive with have and get on page 214 of the Grammar reference.

2   In questions 1-6, write a suitable form of have in the first gap and the correct form of the verb in brackets in the second. The first one has been done for you.

Question No. /

1 Would you like to have any part of your body pierced (pierce)?

2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of your head completely (shave)?

3 If you could your photo (take) with someone famous, who would you choose?

4 When was the last time you a tooth (fill)?

5 Have you ever considered your hair (restyle)?

6 Do you know anyone who their house (break) into?

 Ask and answer questions 1-6 in exercise 2.

Develop your answers.


A: Would you like to have any part of your body pierced?

B: I wouldn't mind, but I'm a hotel receptionist and I don't think my boss would be very happy if I went into work with a nose stud or a tongue piercing.





1  Read the following Writing Part 2 instructions. You see this notice on your school noticeboard.

Read the model answer below. Which of the three people in the illustrations is most similar to the one described in the answer?



Which person has had a big influence on you'?

How has this person influenced you'?

Write us an article for the school magazine describing the person and saying how he or she has influenced you.


'Cheer up, chicken!'

Thats what my grandmother, my Nana, says me when things are'nt going well. Then she tells me, 'it'll turn out all right at the end, you'll see.' And she's nearly always right.

So when I'm ill, or I've fell out wilh a friend or I'm just feeling down, I imagine Nana, wilh her wrinkled, but smiling face and sparkling blue eyes, saying her words of encouragemenl to me. And althoueh my problems they don't just magically disappear', they don't seem so bad any more and I'm in better mood lo sort them out.

Nana has taught me to be positive in difficult moments. She's had many of them in her long and hard life. But despite this, she has a straight back and a determined look on her face. Always she is cheerful and I've never seen her in a bad temper.

So even though she's nearly half my size and such small that she sometimes wears children's clothes, she's the person I most look up at in my family. She's a little lady with a big influence.


3 The model answer contains eight mistakes.

Read the article again and correct the eight mistakes.

What techniques does the writer use:

a to attract and interest the reader at the beginning of the article?

b to leave the reader something to think about at the end of the article?

5    Find examples in the model answer of the following features:

a language of description, e.g. her wrinkled, but smiling face and sparkling blue eyes

b phrasal verbs, e.g. cheer up

c linking words, e.g. Then

6 Write your own answer to the question in exercise 1 in 140--190 words.


Don't forget!

- Begin with an interesting opening paragraph.

- Include direct questions or direct speech for a lively article.

- Use contractions and phrasal verbs for an informal style.

-   Include a range of descriptive language and linking words.

 Leave the reader something to think about at the end.

-   Give your article a catchy title.





وقت شناسی
turn to
رو آوردن
take after
از نظر ظاهری و شخصیتی شبیه کسی بودن
به ارث بردن
lack of confidence
اعتماد به نفس ضعیف
blamed him
مقصر دانستن او
نقاط ضعف
کسی که الهام بخش نیست
deadly dull
خیلی حوصله سر بر
jabbering away
چرت و پرت گفتن
took to
دوست داشتن کسی یا چیزی
straight away
turn up on time
سر موقعه رسیدن
last fortnight
چند شب گذشته
ناامید کننده
انگیزه ها
just in case
محض احتیاط
as if
انگار که
haven't got the heart to put them in the bin
دلشو ندارم که بندازم سطل آشغال
تاثیر گرفتن
پر از احساس
sparkling blue eyes
چشمان آبی براق
look up at
تحسین کردن

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